Intending to marry 100 girls from orphanage home


Just yesterday, when I was writing about the need for childbirth regulation in my country to help control and stabilize the economy, a laughable occurrence kept appearing in my mind, and I kept laughing throughout.

At the beginning of this month, a Speaker in the House of Assembly in the northern part of Nigeria announced his intent to marry 100 girls from an orphanage as his project to alleviate poverty in his area. According to him, he plans to fully pay the dowries to the orphanage and make sure the young orphans do not lack anything. Oh yeah, he meant well for them, but come on, isn't that another King Solomon? A whole 100 wives, and that's to say he's adding 100 to the one he already has, making it 101 wives.

Nigeria is a very funny place, and anything, even the unthinkable, is very much doable. Oh, lest I forget, winning ranks in the Guinness Book of Records has been a trend. I'm sure he's looking for a way to get his name in there.

Let's think of it:

How is he going to satisfy 100 wives?

I'm not so into sex, but I understand that a man's capacity has significant limitations. One man, when faced with a lady who is very demanding sexually, can hardly satisfy her, not to talk of two or three or fifty such women.

Moreover, ladies tend to give their husbands hell when they are not satisfied, leading them to seek other means or to fight the man to fulfill his duties, or to fight the other women who are keeping the man away. Are you seeing that there's going to be a third world war soon in that part of the nation? Imagine 100 women fighting each other; this will be at its worst because the man is a politician, and they will likely use his position to their advantage.

Okay, imagine he succeeds in impregnating all of them.
That's 100 children at a stretch. If he does it twice, that's 200 children. Oh my God! I can't even think of a man having 200 children to his name; that's a whole community in itself. By then, he would probably go to a forest, clear it, and build his own community.

If that eventually happens, how is he going to cater to all of them?
For God's sake, the economy is tough, and people with three children are feeling the strain, not to mention someone with 100 or 200 children. I know how he's going to do that: he's a politician, and he'll make sure to deplete the financial resources of the state before he leaves office.

To tell you the truth, when the news broke out, a lot of people hailed him for such an act to establish the girls in marriage and lift them out of poverty. I keep wondering how shallow the minds of those people hailing him are. Meanwhile, other people tackled him, and when the criticism became too much, the man came out to say he didn't mean something like that. Lol.

Thanks for reading.

| Photos are mine |

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