eBay Update

eBay has been so good, and so far I have 10 feedback, and 16 sales. Some of the feedback is from the same people, as I have a few repeat buyers.

I have a couple of people who have messaged looking to buy bundles of things to keep the shipping costs down, and since they're buying a few items I usually knock €15-20 off the price, sometimes more.

It has been a bit of a rollercoaster so far, at the start it was slow, and took maybe a week before my first item sold. Back them I was posting multiple listings a day, and over the course of that month I had a bunch of stuff up there.

Some things sold, but there is still plenty of things from those initial few weeks that are still sitting up there. I've lowered the cost a bit, but there seems to be hardly any views. It's no big deal, I don't mind them sitting up there for as long as it has to.


Top Rated Seller

There is a special little mark of distinction on the site, and seeing it represents that the person you're thinking of buying from is a top rated seller.

To qualify for this, you need to have a good feedback score, as well as that, you need to sell 100 items, and make at least €1,000 from sales, within a year.

I thought it would be near impossible, but so far in the last 2 months I've made €776, and have sold 16 separate items.

It would be closer to 25 items sold, but I've taken down a bunch of figures, and vehicles and lotted them together for certain buyers, meaning that they only count as one item sold. Kind of annoying, but it is what it is.

I have a bunch of Eaglemoss Lord of The Rings figures I'm looking to sell soon, so maybe they'll help. I've had them for the last 15+ years, all still in their boxes. It isn't the complete collection, but it's a good 36 of them.

They'll be listed in a way that people can pick and choose what one/ ones they want. I could ship a max of 6 per box, and would make sure to say that to people who are thinking of buying some.

Halo Megabloks

The Halo stuff has been the biggest and best seller so far, and has accounted for the majority of the money I've made on eBay.

There are people waiting to purchase more large bundles of the stuff when I have the sets ready to go, so that can't come quick enough.

I'm doing my best to get them together, but it's hard not having the time to do so. It was about 2 weeks since the last time I listed anything on my store, so I went all out recently and get a bunch of games ready to go. From the new batch of games I've listed so far, 4 have sold.


New Stock

It'll be a while before I need to buy any new stock, but I have found myself searching around regularly to see what's out there. Hunting down the deals is a lot of fun, and basically my favourite aspect of this whole thing.

The pickings seem to be slim at the moment, but I have a few lots I have my eye on.

What I need the most now is a shelving unit of some kind, where I can have all this stuff stacked in an easy accessible location, where I can see it all and have it organised better than it currently is.

I'd like to have the top two shelves reserved for items I have listed, one for games, and one for other stuff.

Then, the other shelves could essentially have everything waiting to be photographed and listed.

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