The overratedness of the Valentines day

You would have to be living under a rock to not have noticed that it was Valentines day yesterday. The day of love or to tell the other person that that person is the special one for you. Ahww cute! ❤ And I love the geste of that. After all, there is nothing more special than people telling each other and to the whole world that you are their favorite person. That’s is why vows by weddings are also always so cute. People speak out loud on how much they like each other.

But that is not the deal anymore with Valentines day if you ask me. Here is Europe this all feels relatively new actually. As in, 20 years ago this was not a big thing. Like black Friday, it just wasn’t a big thing. And now all of a sudden it is. Not because of that Valentines day or black Friday grew bigger. No it is because retail decided to make it a bigger thing than it ever was.

And that annoys me. Because that means that on the radio people are discussing the fact of what kind of present they should give to their loved one as a gift. A gift because you should give one? And all of those restaurants doing extra diners because all of a sudden people need to go to dinner together. As if it is not possible to celebrate that on another day? What about just giving some love and just telling the other person that they are your favorite person?

I really don’t like the retail bubble and what kind of greed it all brings in. It takes out the whole idea of Valentines day of just appreciating that your partner is there, and realizing that that is something special. That is what Valentines day should be. Let me just eat a box of chocolate today in the shape of a heart for no reason at all.

/End of rant!

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