Just do it!!!


Hey guys

Last week on this day, I received the worst news ever one if my closest friends who happens to also be a very close neighbor of mine just passed away recently. I wasn’t going to blog about this, but I taught about it and thought it wise to do so. I went to his house today to pay my respects and also to check up on his parents and we started talking you know talking about some of the funny things he used to do. General things to remind ourselves about him. In the process we of talking I remembered about things we he told me he wanted to do but said he was going to wait and do them next year.

So I asked myself where is he now?…. Gone along with a huge chunk of unfinished business. Which is the problem we have generally today. We think we have more time and because of that we can choose to postpone important events and also procrastinate almost all the time. Just do it bro, you will never know when that will be the last thing you ever will do on earth. Live life take opportunities and make sure you utilize every single last one of them. Don’t say “I’ll save this for later” what if there is no “later”?. Opportunity they say comes but once. Do well to capture the moment and just do it.


Let me tell you what my friend wanted to do and wasn’t able to. He happened to be a skilled artist who does 3D painting, wallpapers and stuffs. He didn’t have his own store so he worked under a master. Coming from a poor home, at a young age already took responsibility of taking care of his family. A few months back we were talking he asked what I think he should do to help his mum. So I suggested he open a small retailing business for her so that she can be also supporting the family.

He taught it was a great idea so he took and started working towards it. A few days ago he came to me and said he had the money to start up the business. But said he wanted to wait for “brand new year” 2023. Because this one was almost ending. He brought up another idea of re investing the money in buying tools for his work. And with taught he could raise back the money before January and then open the shop for her.


Unfortunately, his time was up. This has warranted me to write this. What ever you have stalled up, just do it. Because you never know how much time you’ve used up already.

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