Someone I know 001

This photo is mine.
Got on tricycle after some time and took this shot, thinking about life.

I know I'm just good in starting stuff but being inconsistent is my greatest downside.

Here we are again, another set of supposed series storytelling, blogging- real people I know with real story based on my knowledge and observation alone. I won't disclose the name of course but some who may read, may know.

I think I consciously met her when I was in primary school. We were living in the mountains then and they have their house near the unpaved highway.

She's not very kind and I was always wondering how could someone be so bitter and so envious of things other's got.

I didn't know then but in my high school I found out she's wounded wounded woman.

Her husband impregnated her own sister.😭

It was too much for me to take and I really thought of it most of the days after I knew about it, like how could this act be just forgiven, buried; as she still live with her husband and her sister always visit her too.

I think of it like of an animal, sharing mates as if it's just normal.

She's very wicked in her ways maybe due to her sense of inferiority. She steals, she destroys - she's epitome of a traitor. She enters our home, cook our rice, burn it and throw the burnt rice near our stove for us to see it. She's very anger provoking person as we now know, her husband made her feel worthless, even her sister too.

I did try to be polite, so kind to her at first but I just can't tolerate how she's so good when facing me but stabbed me at the back when I leave her presence.

She's the most hateful person I know and it makes two of us for I just can't think of anything good about her too.

Unfortunately, she died before I even go to her and make amends. It's just all in me though for I think I'm still a kind person to her, I was just getting so busy for her small talk.

I'm not sure when I'll tell stories again but it's my desire to keep these stories coming.

Thank you so much for reading this far.☺️🤍


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