Fewer marks... more human footprints.

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Fewer marks... more human footprints.

I believe that loyalty is palpable in actions, works, and transparent, authentic, and deep looks... in that clean look that tells you: here I am, I see you, I recognize you and I respect you. In the social networks (social networks) I would see it in the recognition, in the accreditation, in that mention that says: Thank you to...

Today the credibility of a professional is measured by “other rules”... and it seems that “the end justifies the means” taking values such as loyalty ahead of us, in the midst of a constantly changing and accelerated environment, and also, dizzyingly rising due to technology.

Hopefully, this will also happen, and we will know how to make a nutritious, respectful, and integral use of such a powerful resource. Hopefully, “sorority, loyalty, and companionship” will also shine here on this platform. In the cover picture, my "work uniform" ... the others, for now, are pajamas, yoga/exercise/meditation clothes, cleaning clothes, and be at home ... Multiform of the same way of being.

These days my "uniforms” have changed in my way of living and my roles have changed, but everyone is active.

Every role we carry in life can be seen as a "uniform”, as an image with which we show ourselves or not to the world and I see these times optimistically as a transformative tunnel for those flimsy premises that I also don't want to live it as a juice...is a reflection, perhaps constructive criticism towards humanity, towards the essential and transcendental in life.

What is true is that regardless of ” Uniforms", the values that guide me are the same and these days I have reflected a lot on how some of them are lived nowadays, in particular LOYALTY.

We are no longer loyal to a resume and years of experience in a profession, but to the number of followers you have, to your presence on the networks, and that your image meets the “stereotype of charismatic and charming success”... once I received supervision at my workplace and the supervisor who arrived unexpectedly said: "Today the networks endure everything, we have to validate the tests for (recruitment and selection of personnel) with our own eyes.”... And at that time it was hateful to me, today I understand.

Loyalty reminds me that we should do something for others, but as long as it's the right thing to do.

The loyalty of working with those who are related to our principles, with whom we feel coherence between their actions, words, actions, and networks... is broken by other kinds of interests. Professionals who did not believe in personal development as a line of thinking for self-development and personal growth, today raise the flag and not out of conviction, but because it is “becoming a trend” in social networks because it gives clients...

I think that since everything has been "objectified” the stages of life, and the management of human talent be converted into marketing targets and manipulated with all kinds of fears and insecurities to reduce it to the condition of a thing to a person... they enroll another uniform,” Age" that incidentally is just a number, and we can decide, today more than ever, how we want to feel and how we want to live.

I believe that "aging" begins in the heart, in our emotions, feelings, and ideas. The sequence is thought, word, and action. I know it, and I am sure of it, it resides within me, it is a power capable of achieving great things that I have seen with myself in situations that have required my firm response, reaction, fortitude, and strength... to be faithful and loyal. To work hard and seriously, with the environment, through the family, with work and my brand, with the community, in its broadest sense, whether they are social networks, institutions, and even with the country.

The loyalty of honoring those who form us, those who have opened and paved the way for us, those who have generously shared all their knowledge and knowledge with us and have driven us to be who we are... it turns out that now, they make themselves invisible because it seems that honoring others “takes away our security, “puts us below.”.. Now the issue is to compete, to get as far as possible, as fast as possible.

The loyalty of working in confidence in a multidisciplinary team is broken by the need for prominence in the networks... now we are all “a product”, we are our "own brand" and I will ally myself with those who” boost" me, those who help me to have more followers... no matter the age, or what generation you are, we have to seek to be an "influencer" only in the networks, rather than in our fields of competence.

Faced with this obvious reality, it is necessary for everyone to reflect on their situation and understand that they must take a proactive role in ensuring their strength, their own well-being, and that of their family.

Captura de pantalla 2022-09-21 152403.png

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