Tempête Ciaran in Bretagne, France: Still no internet and no electricity in our area


Hi, fellow Hivers! It’s been a while I haven’t updated my blog because after I posted my HPUD article, in the evening we got hit by typhoon and the next day, we lost electricity for 2-3 days. Until now, our main internet connection is not yet fixed. Tuesday morning, we lost our electricity again.

No electricity and internet

I was worried about the strong winds at night and I’ve never been that scared compared to my typhoon experience in Cebu back then which mostly were typhoon signal no.1.

Good thing we have a generator here. Another thing that scared me about is the cold temperatures dropping to 6 degrees Celsius. What if we never had a generator?

It made me think about my life in Cebu, Philippines. Growing up, we always experience the typhoon and mostly, signal no.1 near my hometown. Usually, we also lost electricity and still can survive without electricity for a few days. We never owned a fridge so my family were not in a panic. And living in a tropical family, the temperature is not that cold after the typhoon unlike in France which happens to be the Fall season now. I could even go out of our house with my bike checking what was happening in the neighborhood. Here in France, I just stayed indoors covered with thick jackets and being in front of the fire chimney. I have so many realizations about this experience.

I lost my HPUM streak for November

I was really happy I did my first HPUM for October. But sad to say, I can’t join this month’s HPUM. Better luck next time.

Not sure how will I celebrate my birthday this Friday

Few more days to go, it will be my birthday but I am not in the mood to celebrate due to this not so normal situation. I was planning to write an article to be published on the same date but it seems impossible.

Currently, I’m blogging using my iPad and using a mobile hotspot for the connection. Posting several photos will make it slow down so I prefer to screenshot the photo above.

I don’t know when can we have our internet back. So, I don’t know when I could come back to writing consistently.

I’ll just end this post as a self-talk. See you later, my friends!

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