Drinking Too Much Coffee and Wasting my Time on Facebook and Instagram

I've been sick for over a week, so I missed sending my son to school on an e-bike for two days.

I was drinking too much coffee today so I am palpitating at 7 PM. I am having a headache as well.

I also wasted my time on Facebook and Instagram so screentime is giving me eyes strain too.

While on Facebook and Instagram, a business idea comes to my mind so I took my journal and wrote everything inside. I did some research on the materials that I will use for the business idea.


Now, my mind is restless. I wanted to be impulsive and buy everything I needed for this project.

I have three to five products I have in mind. I just need to execute it when I could buy all the materials.

I am very excited the reason I am restless.

The same time I am having a headache because of the flu.

Buying the items that I want is also a gift to myself but I also want to make money out of it.

I tried to compute how much money shall I spend on this and I am happy to say that I could use my Hive money to start my business idea. Yay!

Then I almost forgot

The parents-in-law will arrive tomorrow. So I was in a hurry to do some house chores but the kids threw all the toys in the other room.

Instead of snapping at them, I need to calm down.

I went outside of the house to do some flower sketching.

While starting my sketch, my left hand was shaking. The effect of coffee. I haven't colored my sketch yet, unfinished.


And yeah, we still have one week to prepare for our kid's baptismal celebration.

I could not proceed with my business idea yet until this celebration was done.

Nervous on my solo trip to Paris

When was my last solo trip? It was in 2019, that I was pregnant with my firstborn child. I am not yet mentally ready as so many things to do this week.

I downloaded the metro apps on my phone and looked at Google Maps as well. I just wanted to study transportation using the train. I have some appointment to make in Paris and I have to be there on time or at least 40 minutes before the appointment. I don't want to be late. I only have a day spare to do this as the next morning, at about 5 a.m., I have to get on the train going back home. Getting on the earliest train means it is the cheapest fare. I thought there was a 3 PM schedule so that I don't have to wake up early. I was wrong.

Ugh. I've been overthinking too much. I need to slow down with drinking coffee so that I won't get this palpitation. I need to do something, to calm down my mind.

I think I will just do another painting, that might help me to focus and only use one color or monochrome.

Roxanne Tamayo - www.itravelrox.com

Welcome to iTravelRox! Roxanne Tamayo is a Cebuana who is a traveler. Now a mom of 2 kids and a wife. She is a travel blogger and a digital nomad. As a Virtual Assistant, she does a lot of things like content writing, WordPress web design, WP updates and maintenance, graphic design, and photo editing. She is into wedding photography, as well.

If you like iTravelRox's content, please don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. She will share a lot of stories about solo travels, motherhood, family travel, and working as a VA.

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