I think I need 30 days of no work and all sleep

Away from my screen. Possibly chasing the sun more often. Or even making breakfast, lunch, and dinner (this part has missing in my life for the longest time)

I think I need 30 days of no work and all sleep.png
I don't know where the first part came from but know that my body has been quietly asking for rest. These days I work on autopilot. I have given myself a lot of responsibilities and hardly find the time to rest. I am not complaining. If I did not have to add more and more responsibilities to carry on, I would be terribly bored and might fall into depression.

The only word I know is work. Call me a workaholic and I will gladly accept.

This evening, I was watching a documentary on Reddit and I did not know when I dozed off. I woke up startled, thinking I might have failed to publish my last post for the day and ended without a badge from Hivebuzz for daily writing.

Heck! I have allowed this particular goal to direct all of my writing inspirations. If I feel stuck, I look for ways to unstuck and write something. Every day when I pushed myself past the limits I thought I wouldn't be able to cross, I applauded myself. And then I realized I could do even more than yesterday if I did not limit myself to so little.

There were days I always wanted to reach out and ask for more roles on the glossary but my body would remind me she might break down one day and there would be no going back.

This evening even before I scout the internet again looking for writing inspiration and stumbling on the Reddit documentary, I consciously checked the date on the calendar. I swore under my breath when I saw that I still had 16 more days to bring this goal to a close.

16 days feels too long. Dozing off and startling wake-ups are clearly signs that I need a break. I need to sleep with peace of mind without jumping out of bed unconsciously as though the world had come to an end while I slept.

Truthfully, I don't know if by January I'll take that break. Knowing myself, I might find other projects to add to my to-do list and I'll keep going. Or maybe 2024 will teach me to rest more and type less. But what will I do with all the thoughts in my head screaming to be released if I take this break? I constantly ask myself. I have a good feeling, I'll have lots of content ideas, and if wake up and say, "Hey, I am taking a break", you might see my posts even more frequently because I just could not resist hitting the public button.

I don't know how Taskmaster runs two accounts and still takes on as many responsibilities as he does without breaking a sweat, but I have my hat off for him.

Will I take writing, engaging, and everything Hive break come 2024? I don't know. But what I do know is that my body needs plenty of rest but I keep postponing and one of these days she will forcefully take it. I am just praying she wouldn't take it on the, say, 31st of December, and everything I worked towards getting that badge will go up in flame.

You know my most important fear? It's taking a break only to return to the realization that you all have moved on and forgotten about me.

Say a prayer for my body for me. Thank you.

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