Is exam the true test of knowledge?

Greetings lovelies from HIVE family.

It's been quite stressful this pass week and still tensed of two weeks to come. Writing exams is one of the most hectic period for about 60 to 70% of Nigerian students especially those in my uni. Examination is the period you read like your life depends on it, pray like you have no hope, and still scared of the unknown ( the kind of questions that will be asked). The most stressful part is to read and don't have much to feed, knowing fully well that the more you stress the brain, is the more hungry you become (for me I don't know for others).
Examination is the text of one knowledge, but is that really the ultimate measure for academic excellence?. I have come in counter with people with full capacity, abilities, creativity but unable to pen down into writing and I have also seen some we know little and are very creative to pen down ideas but can't perform on the field, and I have also seen people who use by all means to get good grades in there exams and now I wonder how are we to rate all this personality if examination won't give us the best out of all.
According to my friend, she will say" your lecturer's don't trust you understood there lectures and they want to be sure you studied that's why they give exams" and I tried to buy her thought but still not convinced it is the perfect reason why we should be administered exams. The previous week, was not really strong, but I wrote exams I don't really know what to rate my self. I still have more to write this week, and the coming week. I believe I am strong now, and I will put in my best.


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