

Can you help me move my gun safes bro? The text came in late last night from a mate of mine.

No worries man, when? I wasn't about to let my mate down, I know how heavy gun safes are as I have a few of my own which I've had to move a few times.

Tomorrow 09:00

Dafuq bro, that's early. I've had some late nights so a sleep-in would have preferable.

Fuck you, just be there. I'll buy you a coffee so shut the fuck up with the whinging.

It probably won't work, but I'll take the coffee anyway. See you tomorrow. It was always going to happen, like I said, he's a good mate and I'm not about to let him down.

I arrived on time and we got to work on those safes. He only has two but they are large; he has a lot of guns. Fortunately he was ready for it with the right equipment and we had them moved into his newly-finished workshop/shed in no time...I'm a little jealous of it actually, it's way better than mine. We talked about firearms, the old days, people we know and what we've both got going on for 2023 and some grunting, pushing, shoving, tilting, lifting and brute force later the safes were in place, restocked with the many firearms he has and we were washing up.

It was then, he declared he was hungry and decided that McDonald's was a legit place to eat and that their McCafé was a good place to buy me coffee.

McFuckingDonald's? What the bloody fuck? #WTBF

I've not been to McDonald's for a few years now and had no intention to go back, but this friend of mine has one within walking distance so we went there and unsurprisingly I was completely underwhelmed.

It smelled like shite, looked like shite, the service was shite, the food was shite and the coffee was shite. I'll be honest and say I didn't have anything to eat there, but I threw in the food was shite anyway because the last time I went there a few years ago it was and I can't imagine it having gotten any better.

I sipped my warm dishwater coffee and watched my mate devour a Big Mac that looked nothing at all like the picture in the commercials and some fries that looked like they were swept up off the floor and he seemed happy enough but I wonder...what would Ray Kroc think of the McDonalds product and service if he was alive today?

McDonald's started in 1955 in Illinois, USA and came to Australia in 1971 where, today, there's something like 970 McDonald's outlets frequented by two million Australians daily. But...the food and service is terrible, there's no atmosphere and despite the commercials saying how amazing the coffee's really not.

Places like McDonald's are slowly quickly forcing small family-owned and operated burger places, cafe's and general food outlets out of business and whilst I understand from a convenience perspective I wonder why people are so willing to accept such poor quality food and service; it's not really even cheap! I don't know, I guess I'm more of a traditionalist and prefer a burger that's a little more real and a little less plastic than that's offered at McDonald's, and the same with coffee.

It wasn't long before I told my mate I'd need to push on, I just couldn't stand the smell of the McDonald's dining room any longer. He didn't disagree, in fact, it was only about twenty minutes after eating that Big Mac and he was already regretting it. Dumb ass.

I'm not one of those people who never eats fast food; it's an occasional thing, a few times a year maybe, and I've been known to eat a Zinger burger or two from KFC or a Whopper from Burger King (called Hungry Jacks in Australia) from time to time. None of it is really great though and there's far better options. Out of all the myriad of fast-food places though, I think McDonald's is the worst by a long way.

What's your thoughts on it? Do you eat a lot or a little fast-food and where do you go to get it? Do you prefer smaller family-owned and operated places or big corporations like the three I mention above? Is it a regular thing or a sometimes thing? Do you actually like it or do you go there for the convenience? Feel free to comment below with your thoughts and if you have any funny or horrific fast-food stories then please share if you'd like.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The images in this post are my own

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