examination malpractice

Let's face it; at some moment or another, we have all cheated-on examinations in college. It may have simply been inquiring your buddies' answers whilst the exam was taking place. And if you haven't compromised in the past, I'm positive you don't exist; you can't possibly know everything. You can get away with something occasionally while also getting caught.

We once took a mock exam in physics, which is done to prepare for final examinations in secondary education. Since I had no prior knowledge of physics, I was completely unprepared for the exam, but I went into it with the confidence that I could bypass it and yet pass and receive the required grades.

So, I started preparing to do the same for my mock exam, but I also started to have doubts that it might not work out and that I did not want to take the chance of showing up to the examination hall unprepared because our grades might be posted at the entrance of our class and my contemporaries might see it.

As a result, on the day of the examination I was quite anxious and didn't practice any problems, so I was hoping that the questions would be straightforward and that I would be able to answer them correctly.

I arrived at school early on that day in order to answer some old transportation-related questions. It astonished me that I met the majority of my friends at school, and it seemed odd that they wouldn't normally arrive at school so early. They said that they were awaiting for the head girl because she had mentioned she might have something to offer everyone when I asked them why they were there so early.

After a short while, I turned around to see the head girl running towards us, screaming that she had the mark scheme. I asked her, "How did you receive the mark scheme so close to the exam?" She exuded such confidence and told us to believe her that she is absolutely correct.

I said, "Okay, cool. Let's all make copies now," and we all did. So, the exam had finally begun. The school took it extremely seriously and had numerous invigilators. Before the 10-minute mark, I noticed that everyone was already working, but I was unable to begin since a teacher was behind me, and I had to wait until she had departed.

When she eventually departed, I pulled out my copy of the solution and began my examinations. I completed questions 1 through 9 by writing the answers down without first reading the questions, and I did it fast out of concern for being discovered.

I finally found the solution, then I checked the questions. I saw that the solution contained definitions, but the information provided was computations. I looked over all the questions and compared them to the answers because I was so astonished at the time, and sure enough, they were all incorrect. None of them related in any way to the query.

I spent the entire time writing a different response to a different question on a different test that was not similar to my exam since the head girl gave us the incorrect marking system. Currently, the invigilator has given us 20 minutes to finish the exam, and 9 out of 10 questions are wholly incorrect and illogical.

.PLAN 1 for me to pass now I have to start the exam again and I just have only 20 minutes and I don't even know anything PLAN 2 I should just cross everything out and fail the exam or PLAN 3 not to submit at all and go home with my question paper and answer sheet.

I finally went for the 3rd option though, when it was the time to submit, I didn't..... I went home with my paper

My teacher handed out our marked scripts a few days later, but I didn't get mine because I hadn't turned it in. I went to see her and told her I hadn't received my script, and she asked if I was sure. I replied that I was.

Since she had already marked other exam papers, she thought she might have mixed it up with another paper when she searched for it. We both spent more than three hours hunting for something I never filed after I asked if I might assist her look for mine.

After several attempts, we finally gave up. She apologized, and I told her not to worry because I had spent more than three hours in the exam room and would not be seeing my scores. 😂😂

Thanks for reading ❤️

It was fun writing my examination experience

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