The Streak Has Ended

Well Well Well, a mix of too much confidence, stupidity, and life finally put my posting streak to an end.

They said that all good things might end, and this is my end for the posting streak. Not sure how to track them down more precisely, but I think this should be my run for the second Yearly poster badge, I will definitely pass it this year. somehow my stupidity put the streak to an end.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I was busy with the big ceremony that I have in my big family temple. And I was already back at my parent's house last Friday to help with that preparation.

With that in mind, I think I already made the scheduled post up until the 10th, which was the day of the main event of the ceremony. My stupidity and my overconfidence played the best part thinking that everything was already under control. and life played it part, as there was kind of a delay in the ceremony, the ceremony which was scheduled to be done early in the morning, and expected to be finished before noon, had to be stretched out for the whole day.

I was exhausted after the ceremony concluded, and literally went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

All was good until last night I had time to open my app, and check the post, to realize that I had missed one posting day, putting my streak to an end. To top it up, I then just add one more day yesterday, so that this year I have made 253 posts, out of the 255 days in the 2024 year.

I will hopefully will keep on making my posts despite my stupid mistake, who knows with this new start I can reach bigger miles stones, maybe more yearly badge in the future. : )

Have a great day everyone.

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