You are fired!

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I am ranting again.

Have you ever had that sinking feeling when you realize that you no longer have a job? What's worse, you look at your bank account and your savings and an urgent sense of dread fills you. Well I have had that experience and it was not pleasant to say the least.

I have only been let go from a job once in my entire life, and although the job was a shitty one, I still felt like crap to be honest. It is not a feeling that one should have.

I had completed my internship and was working with a private hospital. I decided that the night shifts was better for me, so i opted for it.

The job was more of making the best use of what you had, it involved a great deal of improvisation, and when it comes to medicine, improvising means that you are playing russian roulette with a patient's life.

Yes, it is dangerous and unethical, but when you are working in an environment where regulation is almost non-existent, you learn quickly that the best thing you can do is walk away... which I was already planning to do.

I decided that the job was not for me. I was already planning my exit when one evening, I came to work and found a letter for me. I had been fired and the Medical Director did not deem it fit to even give me the letter himself.

He sent one of his servants to leave the letter for me. I was pissed 😡. When he gave me the job, he spoke with me directly not through one of his goons. He decided that I was right for the job all by himself, and then 3 months later, without warning, he just fires me.

Who does that? I mean who in Gods green world does that? Thankfully, I was already making arrangements to leave and I was able to bear the shock a lot better.

It made me wonder 🤔 and ponder 🤔. What if I wasn't prepared? What if I thought things were going as usual and there was nothing to be worried about?

Adjusting expectations

I had to realign my expectations when it came to any job I held. I never want to be the helpless dog, at the mercy of the master. I always looked to be in control of my situation.

Being at the mercy of your employer, especially when that employer is a self righteous individual who thinks about himself alone is not a good position to be in. Yes, that is the only way I can describe the Medical Director who decided to fire me on a whim, without prior warning or notice.

So I have constantly strived to improve myself, make myself royally indispensable to any workplace. It is how I stay in control of my situation... It is how I ensure that an employer doesn't have the last say about my finances.

Will it always be like that? Sadly, no. There are times that there is really nothing you can do and you have to endure harsh conditions because there is literally nothing else that you can do. But in the meanwhile, you should be planning your exit... you should be educating yourself, improving on your skills so that you will become even more valuable by the time you are able to leave.

Final Words.

As I bring my ranting to a close, I would like to say that being fired is not a pleasant experience, but it should not catch you off guard. When I get a job, I use the first 1 month to observe and know if I am going to be here for long. If the answer is in the negative, I will make sure I do everything that needs to be done to ensure that my exit is seamless at my own time.

I know it is a bit cold and too calculating, but it is a necessity.

Till I rant again...

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I am Covenant, a Medical Doctor with a passion for holistic medicine-( fancy word for treating a patient as an individual and not just addressing their symptoms).

My focus lies in the deep connection between mental health and overall wellbeing, and I create content across various medical topics with an emphasis on mental health. Follow me for insights into holistic medicine and approaches to health and wellness.

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