Bad things are not always bad

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Maybe you would think getting fired is a disaster. My wife does. I have my hands full with this one. She just doesn't understand that it's actually a good thing if they do have the pleasure lof firing me. I get a better payout and I get to collect UIF money for a couple of months. Then I also get to claim against the company for unfair dismissal and I can claim loss of income from the woman who started it all by saying I did not do my work and threatening to go to social media and give the company a bad name.

On top of this I get to start my Self-defence school.

In all a win win situation I would say. For me anyway.

In every bad thing that happens you can find something good. Sometimes you just look a little harder to fing it but it's always there if you want to find it.

For now I am more interested in getting my first self defence class set up. Mickey from Montessori wants a class for her daughter and 9 friends.

Money wise that will be a very good class for me.

I am so very excited. This is the first steps of my new life

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I live because I know I will die.
Live life to the fullest.

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