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Exam timetable of doom

Recently, I always mention how my activity has reduced because I was writing mid-semester exam and how I might become even less active the coming week because exam itself is next week. It turns out it’s no longer a matter of might but it’s a sure thing I definitely will be MIA next week. If you didn’t really understand what I meant when I said I was busy with mid-semester exams and might be more busy, pay attention, I’m explaining now.

I don’t know if you’ve been to the university, or are a student, or if specifically, you read Biochemistry at the university and your courses were anything like the ones I’m about to show you, but I think after seeing them, we can agree that whoever designed this exam timetable just fucked us(my class). Please bear in mind that this is our last and final exam to obtain our BSC Biochemistry certs.

Timetable was designed by a political student aspirant

In case you don’t understand the course codes, This will help you understand what the courses are about.

Course CodeCourse Title
BCH 452Forensic Science
BCH 402Insect Biochemistry
BCH 422Integration and Control Of Metabolism
BCH 408Cell Signaling
BCH 404Bioremediation
BCH 406Immunology
BCH 424Parasite Biochemistry

Just fucking look at this. We’re going to have a paper 9am(early morning) everyday of the week next week from Monday to Monday, Tuesday and Sunday excluded. We’ll have less than 24 hours to prepare for each paper. Now I wouldn’t really be here bitching if these courses were easy courses. This is some head-torching shit.

For each of these, the course material could stand as syllable for an entire semester on their own, but we’re doing them all together, and writing this doom of an exam next week.

Honestly, this came as a shock to myself and my classmates, because last week, a circular(broadcast message) went around asking if a particular class had complains or problems with how their courses were scheduled for the exam. My school does this a week to every exam. The class agreed the timetable from earlier( called provisional timetable) was okay and that we didn’t want anything changed. Out of the blue this new timetable was dropped on us just last night. After we made it clear we were okay with the provisional timetable. I want to believe the sudden change was because of complains other classes had with the time table and in attempts to readjust to fix their problem, created new ones for my class.

This was the provisional timetable.

Timetable made by my class course rep

Notice how for the first week, there was a day between every paper? There’s also 3 days after the last paper of the first week to prepare for the 4 papers of the following week. We didn’t complain.

Lol thinking about this, this is actually nothing compared what we faced last year this time. Last year by this time when we were in level 300(third year), we did 10 courses for the second semester. And let me tell you, these weren’t easy. You’re probably a smart ass and thinking I’m just bitching and should suck up to it like everyone else does. Maybe I’m just bitching, maybe I’m not.

What makes all this worse is that the return after COVID hasn’t been kind for us(myself and students like me). Around here, the COVID break due to lockdowns and safety measures took almost an entire year. An entire year of being home, doing nothing but binge watching shows and…well doing nothing. After the long break from, post-COVID schooling and exam has been one hell of a struggle. It’s like we came back from the break different. Dumber, lazier. A lot of people around complain about this too. About how they seem to have gotten dumber and less interested in school post-COVID.

Lmao so much for last exam of university for my bsc certificate. Winter is coming next week. The gods save us.😂


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I am @depressedfuckup. The story behind my weird username is in my intro post if you have the time to read. I am a newbie and a content creator on Hive and a Biochemistry student outside of Hive. I write about my present, generally things going on with or around me. Please give this article an upvote and a reblog if you liked the content and leave a comment if you have something to say about it. Thanks for visiting my blog, have a great day!

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