Rants and Gripes: Complaining About Complaining!

I suppose it is one of life's ironies that we sometimes find ourselves "complaining about complaining."


As our power went out a few weeks back, I couldn't help but think about all the people I have known who - when faced with an unexpected situation - would just launch into endless complaining without making even the slightest attempt to simply adapt to the situation at hand and move forward.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't much like being thrown one of life's "curveballs"... but I like to think that I'm more oriented towards moving ON while paying attention to a planning what might be improved or changed so something like the unwelcome situation is less likely to be a problem again in the future.


Of course, having been partly raised by a stepfather who didn't seem to be entirely happy unless he was unhappy about something, I am well familiar with the "complainers agenda." It's just not very fun to be around!

Along a similar line, for some people the whole process of complaining about something seems like little more than a thinly veiled excuse to broadcast to the world that "THEY know better" about some situation or event. It's more of a "power and control thing" than it actually is a "this needs to be better" thing.


Maybe my perspectives are a little skewed by the fact that several of my Spiritual Teachers from the past were always saying "If you don't like something in your life, don't COMPLAIN about it, CHANGE it!"

And yet? It seems so many people don't get beyond "complain about it," almost like they were subconsciously aware that if they actually solved the problems that ailed them, they would no longer have something to bellyache about...

... and then what?


Which brings us around to The Greater World and it social, political and economic problems... and how we so often seem to be on the bandwagon of eternally IDENTIFYING problems while most of the time not actually SOLVING problems.

And when someone actually steps up and is ready to solve a problem there are just endless complaints about the way the problem solving is being handled... to the point where everything ends up grinding to a halt again.


It all reminds me of several decades ago when Mrs. Denmarkguy was very active in a number of Community non-profit organizations for women, and one of her initiatives — a "safe haven" for pregnant women and new mothers dealing with domestic violence and rape — was all funded, lined up and ready to help literally 100's of people in the Los Angeles area... when one ever-complaining local politician had the program shut down before it ever got off the ground because the (fully funded, remember?) location was 250 feet too far away from the suggested maximum distance to the nearest ambulance service.

Small wonder the world is so messed up, when people just want to bellyache about what's wrong rather than actually fix it!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your weekend! We'll resume our usual programming tomorrow!

How about YOU? Do you ever feel like complaining about how much people are complaining? About their lives, about what others are doing, about the state of the world? Why not just DO something to make things better? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


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Created at 20211204 23:38 PDT


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