Hello Hivers with hope everyone is doing ok.

The Muslims just finish their fasten and celebration's, most of my friends that are Muslims travelled to Saudi Arabia and paid a visit to Mecca to perform their religion freely and are back to Nigeria or their countries of residence.
While in Saudi from what I was told and have seen, they have a wall or a stone where they pray.
It's believed that prayers done there are answered by Allah immediately and fast also.
This has been going on for ages before I was born.
I basically don't know how long this practice has lasted. But it's seen as the right way of worship and from my findings every Muslim atleast once in a life time will try to go-to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to do this ritual.

Let's talk about the Christains who go-to isreal for their Christan pilgrimage. Infact as a Christian I wish to go-to isreal to see the sites Jesus visited and many other sites the holy Bible talked about.
I hope to make this visit next year, I also heared their is a wall in isreal where christains pray. Most top pastors I know that visited isreal have been seen on video and on pictures praying on that wall/ site.
This is seen as good and not evil, like the Muslims do also in Mecca.
This things are not seen as idolotary, it's seen as a right thing and loved by both whites and blacks also.

Back home in Africa where majority of all black race live and come from.
Our accestors had so many praying sites.
Some pray on trees,
Some pray on stones,
Some have a caved object they pray to almost desame way the Muslims and Christian's do in both Mecca and Jerusalem.
Funny enough my friends reading this post it's seen as evil.
It is called idolotary and rejected by the western world and Africans alike.
Simply because our colonial masters told us it's wrong and evil.
This is desame as what happens in isreal and Mecca.
I have been thinking my dear friends.
Are we been foolish or decieved as Africans.
Or is God different from what it should be in Africa or when it comes to Africa?
Alot happens In the western world and it's acceptable and copied by Africans.

Example of such things are Halloween in the United States of America is widely accepted in Africa.
I laugh, but in Africa we have our own Halloween we call masquerade.

Infact the churches in Africa see it a evil, demonic and very wrong.
I ask again..... My fellow Hivers is it that anything or everything from africa is evil and bad?

We need to get this facts right.
We are gradually getting rid of our traditions and religious beliefs.

I love China as a country. The Chinese man have preserved his culture,food and will never leave it to embrace another.
We as Africans need to learn from them and appreciate our traditions and cultures.

Thanks for reading this piece please let me get your feedbacks...

God bless you.

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