Need Grounded Sleep

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about trying to improve sleep, and in an interesting way!


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Need Grounded Sleep

The need for better quality sleep is always an elusive thing.

I guess I write regularly about sleep.. maybe I should start a Sleep community?! LOL I jest.. kind of. I don't think I have that much content for it but it is important for me, as well as many other people.

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Of recent musings on my mind, is the seemingly lack of quality sleep for me to get. It's one thing to lay in bed and sleep 10 hour stretches. That's not overly difficult if I'm tired enough but the issue there lies that the quality of that sleep isn't as good as I would like it to be. I tend to toss and turn for most of the night, every night and it's getting.. well tiresome!

I'm not really sure the reason of that tossing and turning. Maybe it's a poor mattress? Maybe it's that the bed is a little too noisy? Maybe the mattress isn't comfortable anymore and we need a new one? It's hard to say because there are so many factors that are involved here.

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I am going to try one thing though that I've heard people swear by. I recently purchased a "grounding" sheet. This is a sheet that you plug into the electrical outlet, and the only thing it goes to is the ground. This has very little risk for an adverse event such as a fire or a short because there is no current going through it, only the connection between the outlet and the literal ground. Homes, buildings and everything that uses electricity in our lives needs to be attached to the earth because that is where it discharges the excess energy. This also means that when it is not discharging the excess energy, it is providing the potential for that to be done. By plugging in the sheet to the ground outlet, they say that the body has an increased ability to relax, recharge - literally and figuratively, and have a better nights sleep.

Whether this works or not is to be seen, but there have been quite a few testimonials and as well quite a bit of research on the subject that is intriguing indeed. If we are able to spend even 2 or 3 more hours in DEEP sleep instead of always hovering around the surface, that will provide pretty substantial improvements in sleep quality. I think that is something so many people would look forward to!

I think if this works, and really does work, then I want to also eventually look into getting a new mattress, a real mattress not some cheap clearance item that we bought out of desperation. Yes the real mattresses are expensive but the added benefit to many aspects of our lives from an improved amount of sleep quality are seemingly immeasurable! Combine that with a grounded bed, meaning improved physical health, and we could have a pretty good recipe of success!


What about you, do you struggle with sleep? Have you been able to make improvements to it? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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