Nearly Bitten

Hi fellow Ranters,

Today I wanted to rant a little bit about life pulling you away from the chain!


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Nearly Bitten

Things in life just come up and bite you in the ass, and mess with you! Lol.

I've had some things that have occurred recently where I've been spending more time doing a few other things and not able to do the fun things and catharsis that I've got going on with the Hive chain and it's been messing me up, mentally and in other ways! Lol.

When you get into a groove, with something like posting and getting to the comments in communities like the RCT community here, you sometimes really rely on those types of things to help you wind down from a day. That's at least what happens for me! I enjoy getting onto Hive to do some posts, get some engagement going and see what's going on with my digital friends here. When life throws some things at you that mess that up, sometimes it's hard to manage to do those other pesky life things and not feel a little more annoyed! Lol.


Thankfully the things that I've had going on weren't anything brutal like someone getting hurt but it still prevented me from getting onto the chain, getting some posts written and dropping some love on the folks posts that I have been visiting lately to stay up to speed with them. I've come to really rely on the cathartic outlet that posting has given me, and I know that I'm going to be spending a bit more time and later into the evenings to get some stuff written and catch up with all of the posts in the community over the next few days and weekend.

Things at work have thankfully improved a bit over the last few weeks, where things back in February were almost out of hell they were so stressful. Fast forward to recently, I've had to do something I've never had to do before but it proved to be a lot more difficult than I thought: wipe my computer to change all the settings, and upgrade it! LOL I know it's really not that difficult of a task to do but I'm spoiled in that in the previous roles that I've had, when I needed to do something like that I would go down to the service techs office and give them my laptop, let them do all of the associated tasks and then get it back a day later or so. All in all not too bad but this time I had to manage it all myself! I am glad and thankful that I've got a little more of a tech bone in my body than some of my coworkers do but it still took me a few days to get the process completed top to bottom.


The real wrench that gets thrown in with these things are corporate policies and other things. It's not difficult to sign into Microsoft office at home but when you have to do all these multifactor authentication things for a work device, which is appropriate and completely understandable given the security posture of many places these days, it adds quite a few wrinkles to the situation! I started the process on Friday and I didn't fully complete all of the steps until Tuesday! It was brutal hahaha. It brought me down a peg or two, to realize that I need to freshen up on some of these skills! I was able to get a few workarounds going, and likely don't have everything set up 100% the way they want me to have it, but I can manage! I get into the various apps I need to get into and can perform all of my daily tasks but the funny part about some of it is that I put in some helpdesk tickets with my company and one of them has yet to even be responded to! Lol I put it in Monday morning and as of this writing on Thursday they still haven't even messaged me about it :D fail!

This reminded me the importance of writing a few posts and getting them scheduled! I had some written but I messed up the scheduling and ended up needing to bring one post back in from having it scheduled out a few more days when I realized that I forgot one of the days. Oops! Ah well, no harm no foul, but just gotta make sure that I get more time to focus on Hive now that I completed all that work stuff!



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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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