Hidden or Lost?

Hi fellow Ranters,

Today I wanted to talk about putting something somewhere.. and losing it LOL


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Hidden or Lost?

As a parent, we all know that we have to do things to be the adult in the situation. One of those things is needing to take things away from the kids as punishment. We don't love doing that, but at the same time we have to do that.


I am not fond of having to do those things, but at the same time the little man is learning all about life, especially with some of the things that we've got going on in our lives right now. This means that when he misbehaves, there are consequences. The issue for me is with the consequences, sometimes I forget where those things end up going... hahaha.

One of the things that we do for the little man so that he spends time in the bath instead of sitting down, then immediately getting out. We give him the iPad so that he can watch a show. A lot of times it's something like Bluey or something of that nature, not garbage stuff that will rot his brain. This is a decent compromise because for me, I am always doing something at that time of night. I am never one to sit on my ass and watch TV or something. There are too many things in the house to do, so the bath time is a great opportunity for me to wrap up a few things before we all hit the hay.

He acted out recently, and I was tired of it so I took away the iPad which meant that bath time wasn't going to be as enjoyable as it would be for him otherwise. He needs to learn consequences of his actions, that's for sure.


What I wasn't intending though.. is that I in the process lost the iPad LOL OOPS. There are multiple spots where the iPad gets hidden in the house depending on when I hid it last. The little man is good about finding them which sucks in some ways, but it's good because it in a way shows me he has great analytical abilities. With this time though, we are out of luck hahaha. I've been looking for days, the little man has helped me look and we can't find the thing. We don't have a gigantic house, so the thing can only be in a certain few spaces when it comes down to it. The big issue is where.. that's what I don't know!

I guess I have to spend time tearing apart the areas that I think it might be in, one of them namely being the closet in his room. It's where we are storing all kinds of shit right now because we don't have a garage or lots of storage space otherwise. Stacked with boxes and totes and shit, it's a pretty good hiding spot. You just have to make sure you remember where you put the damn things :D.

I have to start writing down my spots where I hide the things, so that I can go retrieve it when needed. That will eventually backfire on me when my son has the combo to my phone to get in. Thankfully that won't be for a while longer, but eventually that's going to be a risk lol.


What about you, have you hidden something from your kids but ultimately forgot where you put it? Did you ever find it again? Let me know in the comments!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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