Getting Situated

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about the waxing and waning of the mental state in which I like to write.


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Getting Situated

I don't know if I will have the energy or mood to write over the next few days. I certainly hope I will, but the important thing is that I've taken advantage of it when I had it.


There have been a lot of mental challenges over the past few weeks. Nothing horrible, but definitely several things that have really thrown off my writing abilities. This has been something I've had to adapt to, and it may change and impact my writing, but the most noticeable impact is that I've not had the desire to write on many occasions.

I've mentioned it before, in that I am generally a person with an upbeat mood and positive mindset. I do prefer to be in that state of mind but there are sometimes that we get hit with something, by our own fault or not, that throw that shit for a loop of correction and reflection. I've had many of those recently and it's really been a challenge.

Nothing I can't handle for sure, because we know ourselves best and I really don't think that there needs to be anything drastic done except time, reflection and thoughtful changes. In the meantime though, there are lots of days in which we are going through that and it's uncomfortable so we are thrown off mentally in so many ways.


This mental tailspin I've had has really had an impact on the time I've been on Hive. I make many excuses for why I don't feel like writing posts, such as I don't feel like working at my standing desk, I would rather sit down but where I have to sit just isn't comfortable. The mind, it's a fascinating thing isn't it? Lol.

The good thing is that there are clear days that break apart the cloudy ones. Today being one of them, where I ended up getting many of the posts I was intending to write, written and scheduled. This is something that is really effective as well as cathartic for me. I know that part of the mental challenges I've been having is that I haven't been able to spend the time that I want to, and need to, writing my scribbles on Hive.

I don't profess anything that I say to be profound, or particularly interesting but there are certainly many situations where if you hit the mood just right, somebody can be going through something similar and really enjoy the banter back and forth, leading to a deeper understanding and conversation.

I hope that I'm able to keep up the added amount of posts I've got in the queue here, because it helps me in a lot of ways but at the same time, I could be knocked down and out for several days and that's what I'm trying to factor in here in terms of time spent doing the work and effort that I enjoy. Prepare now, for the future later. It's not always easy but at the same time, it's an important habit to get into I think!


What about you, do you tend to get a burst of creativity and take advantage of it, or do you prefer to take little bits at a time? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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