Changing Up

Hi fellow Ranters,

Today I've come at a split in some ways.


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Changing Up

One of the crazy things that happen sometimes in life is coming to a point where we have to make a decision and that decision is one that we have to see through, for good or worse.

It's only been a few days since I've started, as of this writing, but I've started a new job. The job is definitely one that's a direction I've been looking to head to but some circumstances came up and I made the change a bit faster than I initially wanted to.


Sometimes it seems pretty scary to make these types of things, especially because the factors that are now at play for us make it a whole lot more important that it doesn't get screwed up lol. I used to think that I could adapt very well to change and I know I can but maybe it's the circumstances that bothered me and left an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

Thankfully as time goes on, things get better and I settle into it all. The first few hours of it, I was asking myself "did I make a mistake?" but those feelings have slowly dissipated for most of it. There's still some lingering doubt but I'm trying to push those thoughts out because they aren't conducive to starting a new job with folks that don't know you as well as your previous employer did.

I'm hoping that I can settle into a good rhythm soon, perhaps that's what's nagging me, not knowing what I have to do each day yet.


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