Does A Supreme Being Exist?

Have you ever questioned someone about their belief in a higher power? Let's put faiths, cultures, and customs aside and start speaking generally. They all concur that a higher entity exists across all religions. Some people denigrate them, create monuments of them, and celebrate their birth and death, among other things.

However, the query "is there a higher being?" persisted in our minds. Everybody always questioned us about it, especially when they wanted to know what we thought. Sometimes, the subject of every debate and competition is how effectively you prove your points.

I would like to discuss my views on the existence of a higher entity in this post. I will ask for your greater understanding, even though we may have different opinions.


We are all aware of how our families taught us about religions and told us stories to make us believe in a higher being above us. They taught us about the importance of fear and faith. It was as if our family planted a seed of belief about a higher being in our minds and hearts. And they water it daily so we can grow with that teaching.

Before I started comprehending things better and more profoundly, I had yet to internalize the teachings. I started attending church when I first understood there is a greater power. That is when I realized the significance of every lesson my parents had taught me when I was a child. I consequently thought that someone was superior to me.

You can begin reflecting on anything after your mind and emotions have accepted that there is a being higher than you. When you believe that someone is superior to you, respect and fear follow. However, in this instance, I cannot simply equate it to a connection between an employee and an employer. It is more significant and vital. It will need faith to be in this kind of relationship.


When you believe in something, people will ask you why and what your reasons are for believing in that thing. It is at this point that your faith will be tested. It may be challenging to explain things, especially when speaking with someone who holds a different belief, but as long as you can feel and have genuine faith in the impression you are attempting to prove, you will not have to worry. The way you speak, explain, and share your experiences will reveal the answers to them. There is no need for proof because they will know the answer as soon as you start talking.

Even if our cultures and beliefs are different, we still share two things: love and faith. No matter what you believe, as long as we treat one another with love and respect, we are still one despite our differences.

I am aware that you hold a different position regarding the existence of greater power, and I will sincerely value your viewpoint. Never forget that we are all human and free to choose what we want to culture ourselves with. All that matters is how we approach them.

I cannot express how thankful I am to those who have taken the time to read what I have written today. Your support means everything to me. Please acknowledge the sincere thanks I feel for each and every one of you. I hope to see you on my next blog and look forward to it!

Hive Blog #40   
Date Published: January 18, 2023
  1. Sight-Seeing The Shore of Botolan Beach 🌊
  3. Wednesday Walk: The Last Shopping Haul with My Partner
  4. A Fun Throwback Moment: Hello, Beach & Sunset!
  5. Coffee First: A Cup of Happiness


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