
The situation...I swear it's true!

I went to bed around 0230 last night.

I have four lights to turn off.

Two in the living room.

Two in the kitchen where the niece cat hangs out in the picture.

As you can see it would be pitch black by night when the lights are turned off.

I swear to god I turned off all the lights when going to bed!

Joy was laying on the couch when I walked to the bedroom turning off the living room lights. I remember stumbling into the bedroom in darkness, throwing the light remote on the couch. I laid down and then Joy came to cuddle up. In darkness!

You can see if there are lights on from the bedroom. In the kitchen or anywhere else.


I got up at lunch time today, walking into the living room.

I didn't noticed anything. Daylight, no coffee yet. First thing I did was turn on the TV and the remote is always by the couch. So I also found the light remote exactly the way you see it above and the way it must have been fallen when I threw it on the couch at night. In darkness!

I walked in the kitchen and

DANG! All the lights were on!

How in the hell could that happen?

I looked back to the couch and

DANG! All the lights were on!

How in the hell could that happen?

I looked again at the remote on the couch and

DANG! No way Joy could have stepped on it accidentally and turned them on.

In that position it is impossible for the signal to reach the lamps, I tried to re-stage it, plus it was upside down. He could have never activated the power button.

Plus it was dark when I closed my eyes!

So help me out here!

Did I sleepwalk?



Seriously, you start questioning yourself when stuff like that happens. And it's not that you haven't seen any of those ghost hunter series.

I just hope the damn ghost turning on the lights is paying his fair share on the energy bill.

Did he fixed him supper as well? Or had a movie night?

What if there was a creep in the apartment?


I slept!

And I have a Bulldog!

Don't you dare think a Bulldog would wake up if there was a burglar!

Business hours Bulldog:

10am - 11am
21pm - 22pm

Tell me! What happened?




9pm. Maik just showed up. He asked if I recognized the power outage this morning.




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