Ranting about the art of photography but who gives a shit...lol

There are different opinions on where art begins and where it is ending. Does someone have to be a pro or isn't art just everything? It certainly lays in the eye of the viewer.
A lot of well known artist received their honor after passing away. Before they lived unnoticed, unappreciated and often poor like a church mouse.

When it comes to photo art it is the same old question. Pro or not a pro? I am not a pro but I like to take pictures. As an autodidact I am teaching myself, am I able to explain what I'm doing? Probably not, a lot of it just comes naturally.

Next question comes with the equipment. I get the whole SLR/DSLR discussion and a lot of people are right saying it makes the difference. But we live in the 21st century and technological development doesn't stop at photography.

Smartphones these days have decent cameras and unless you crawl into a picture to get the slightest technical informations and errors out of it you can take nice pictures with a smartphone.
Imagine the beginnings of photography, would the early picture takers be shunned today for not having the best lighting or less sharpness towards the edge of a frame and all the stuff they criticize these days?

Maybe, but that's not what it is about. It is about emotions and not being a technical racist and above everyone who cannot afford the top notch SLR, maybe not even a used one.
A picture needs to transport something despite its technical features. You can have the best equipment and take crappy pics with no message, emotion or heart but perfect artifacts, color fringing and all that stuff.

There are Apps out there, making creating art available for everyone and while one is trying and experimenting some great visuals might be born. In the end everything around us was created and is therefore a piece of art in itself.

Well, I feel better now. Maybe the next days I will rant about being a newbie blogging or whatever it is called when posting online and how frustrating it can be. Especially for introverts and autodidacts like me that don't like bragging or exposing themselves too much, even though there is a ton I could brag about but I'm just not like that. Maybe I should...seems to correlate better with people.

So for today I leave you with this random "Smartphone" picture of Joy, expressing how I often feel and go play around with another picture to post in the new PhotoArt Community :).

Thanks for reading...if anyone has ;).

About bulldog-joy

Welcome to Annas world. She is a studied animal psychologist and has a broad interest in nature and questions about being. She is an autodidact that loves to explore and has a good portion of humor.

Join her for interesting stories, fascinating photos and facts about dogs and nature.

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