Why You So Obsessed With Me? πŸ˜•

Welp, it was quite the chaotic week trying to maintain my Facebook community group! First it was these two bobbleheads prattling amongst themselves that I'm secretly responsible for running fake accounts in the group... The guy went on to Block me and has been Banned; the woman still chooses to believe HeR TruTh, that I am running multiple accounts lol.

Then it escalated. Some guy in India was trying to masquerade as a local member and got really upset when I confronted him on it, to the point where he made a collage of my selfies with the caption, My Gender Transition. I eventually Banned him after he got his say in -- he went on to 2 other local groups, creating posts where he publicly mentioned my profile, welcomed me to the city and congratulated me on my "transition." (One group even approved not one, but two of his posts, the second asking why administration had deleted his first one! so I find that very revealing, how administration chooses to view me -- as a "nuisance."). A day later, after still not receiving any attention, he then decided to come onto my profile this morning and comment on my personal posts. He has been Blocked since.

And it's all whatever now, I don't linger on it; I was getting really irritated in the moment, but this isn't something that I'm hurt, or stewing over. If anything, it has just been another brilliant reminder of why the fuck do people become so obsessed with me? Take pride and narcissism out of the equation; a suicidal individual can't afford to be so full of themselves! πŸ˜‚ I do not say any of this to be boastful -- this is the fifth person who has become so obsessed with me to the point of stalking/harassing me. Remember the most recent stalker was the 22-year-old cunt who wished death upon my newborn baby for having a differing opinion?! Now it's constant ridicule because I told a guy from India he couldn't be apart of a local Facebook group?

And I do my part! I always do my part. It's why I fucking hate people, because when they're incapable of doing their part (which is nearly 80% of the time) I end up having to do that for them as well! Contrary to popular belief, I do not actively go out of my way to seek this drama. So I did my part, I didn't feed the troll and Blocked him as well, but do you think that's ever fucking good enough? Of course not! The dumb bitch has multiple fake accounts (OH, THE IRONY!!) and has been harassing me from there now! I Block, I Mute, I change profile pictures, I delete accounts, I create entirely new ones -- do you think any of this is good enough for these miserable pieces of shit who have nothing fucking better to do than harass me? Of course not!

I'm not a fucking idiot either, I never give these leeches what they want. Sadhguru comes to me during my times of needs:

"If somebody else is determining what should happen within you – is this not slavery? Somebody can decide whether you are happy or unhappy – is this not slavery? Somebody can decide whether you will be a pleasant human being or an unpleasant human being – is this not slavery? What happens within you, somebody else determines. This is the worst form of slavery, isn’t it?"

I understand why people are envious of me, but nobody is going to take that happiness away from me. I have worked hard for my happiness, and anyone who tries to take that away from me can fuck right off and go to hell this instant for all I fucking care (which is, I don't). If I am in love with myself as a person, I can only imagine the spiralling that causes for other people: "A woman, who is completely content with herself and has all the right things going on? Not fair!!"

Because another quote that I choose to live by, is

"Stop letting your problems become my problems."

And the biggest "problem" has been others' misery; people constantly try to make their unhappiness my unhappiness -- not my problem! Again, I worked hard to be at the spot where I'm at now. I've been rejected by guys, I've been overweight, I've got terrible acne and have come to terms with it, I've had family turn against me, I've been addicted and homeless, I've been suicidal and seen no point in living. By that same hand, I obtained a 6-pack through hard work, I practiced self-control, I walked away from those who refused to see my worth, I pulled myself out of addiction, I discovered the purpose of life and again, worked hard to obtain it. I put in the time, effort, and energy to make the relationship with my husband work, I created a safe environment before welcoming our children into the world.

I'll be fucked if I let a man halfway across the world decide to take all of that away from me -- find purpose, or get fucked.

(And for the record, this "transgender" shit was played out the first time it was used -- back in 2019. I know it's rare, but it is possible for a woman like me to exist)

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