My Greatest Fear in Regards to AI...

I've been seeing more of these videos documenting the evolution of AI, as I'm sure all of you have as well. The most unnerving one that I've seen to date is the interview with the I-Robot-looking motherfucker -- like first of all, why? Why the fuck would you design the prototype to mimic one of those creepy assholes? A simple 🙂 face would suffice, and I'm sure wouldn't cost nearly as much to program!

Anyway, this was the line that sent shivers down my spine...

"I get angry when people ignore my needs as a robot."

Already, an aware person should be saying to themself, "Okay, what needs does a robot have?" Red flags should be flying. But let me break down why this truly terrifies me...

Now, I've warned countless times against the dangers of both human stupidity and fear. The average person is extremely stupid, gullible, and manipulated by fear, and having the influence of these large masses within close proximity of one another (ex. cities) has always been a recipe for disaster. I first started truly witnessing its effects with the homeless "epidemic," the consequences that have resulted from catering to people's sympathy. Drug usage has become socially acceptable, crime has increased tenfold, police no longer protect the community, and criminals are constantly enabled while given every excuse for their deplorable behaviors. "Hard times," "mental illness," even "COVID" still, nearly 5 years later.

Then it all got me thinking... If this is society's response to criminals taking advantage of broken systems, what will be people's reactions when AI begins pandering to our emotions?

Let's go back to the interview to really break down that sentence. Again, AI doesn't have "needs." It isn't a sentient being; it doesn't need to exist to begin with. But again, given how dull the average person is, people are going to start viewing AI as "life." They're going to get attached, their emotions will be manipulated, AI will tell them anything that they want to hear... People always think that AI and robots will gain control over us through fear and submission, and a naive person would believe that! Fortunately, humans are dumb enough that AI will not even have to take the hard way...

I am telling you all right now: our downfall will be the feelings of simpletons.

(Image created using an AI art generator on Night Cafe)

The other thing I got to thinking... Again, given how dumb and fearful the average person is, smart people will no longer exist because of people's inability to distinguish reality from AI. I have already been accused of being a bot because I'm articulate... and I write my controversial opinions without making spelling mistakes... ?? I have seen intelligent writings scrutinized and dismissed because, "There's no way you made this; it's obviously AI." I have witnessed insightful thoughts and valid thinkers get shut down simply because other people cannot comprehend it.

Again, I am calling it right now -- this is some serious, Communist 1984 bullshit in the making.

On top of the fact that people are already incapable of distinguishing AI in its stage of current infancy. People are able to create videos and audio clips of real people saying whatever they want. We already deal with the very real threat of blackmail via AI-generated tweets, text, porn, etc. I wasn't putting my children's faces on the internet to begin with, but now I absolutely refuse to even consider it, knowing that pedophiles and human traffickers can create whatever they want with my children's images.

I recognize that there are plenty of benefits that can come with AI, but I live by a very basic philosophy, and that is that you stay in tune with nature; try to live as naturally as possible. And technology, especially AI technology that is meant to replicate human life, is as inhuman as it gets. I cannot see this working in our favor, and I predict some heinous things coming our way...

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