The crisis hour of adulting : The panic years

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The panic years, these are what the mid twenties are anyway, these years for every adult are those point which career and ambition, financial and monetary issues, social behavior, alongside strength and weaknesses are predetermined.
For a guy it's a point of pressure of having a stable source, a home and financial stability and as for the ladies the pressure of having a partner and building a home, in some cases a stable source, all of this for both genders are the general age of 25 and the max of 30 which I put together as the panic years.
The panic to have everything figured out before 30.
The panic to stay ahead of living cost and expenses.
The panic of thoughts like would I buy a house and a car.
The panic where people's success on social media makes your stomach rumble and drop.
The panic to constantly self improve, to do more task and read more books to divert your fears and thoughts until it becomes a habit .
The panic to make people proud.
The panic to stay relevant and keep plans with friends .
To be very honest everyone keeps struggling from thinking about the panic years but it all still going to continue anyways,
But in reality,Everyone has a chapter they don't read out loud, nobody really started it alone like they made us believe, there are always someone either as a role of a financial freedom,a mentor and a family figure.
Everyone will get to their goals at their designated time and there isn't a time frame for success.
We will succeed in everything we choose to do and light will shine on the road ahead of us.
Happy Thursday
Thank you for reading

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