From laughter to tears: Rollercoaster of marriage

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My uncle’s wife is always fond of making us go late to every event, one day he decided to tease and teach her a lesson by making her run after the car because each day we have to go out she will make us all sit in the car for hours before she comes out.

On this very day, my uncle decided to start the car and start moving once she steps out of the gate, as soon as she stepped out my uncle moved forward a bit, she started running after the car, and each time she stopped my uncle would stop and as soon as she start walking towards the car, he would start the car engine and move it again.

He did this for a couple of minutes until she stopped running after the car, me and their kids who were in the car with my uncle laughed at her cause it was so funny to watch; but all of a sudden she turned around and started walking back to the house. When we could no longer see her from the car mirror, my uncle sent her a text because he called her and she refused to take her call. Then he told her in the text to take public transport to the destination of the event we were all going to attend so she would learn her lesson to stop being late to every event, to my surprise she never showed up at the event.

My uncle was so offended because he never enjoyed the event cause he was tending to each of their kids needs; they had four kids and they all have different needs at the same time which is something his wife would handle perfectly cause the kids listen to their mom more since they’re still young, I was also their to assist my uncle with it but it wasn’t as it would be if their mom was with them.

We got back home and found out that she went to visit her friends in the city and after that, she came back and went to bed. She didn’t even talk to anyone when she got back, she never made dinner and she was fast asleep, then we noticed from that day her attitude changed, she stopped doing lot of things for her kids and husband. She seemed offended that the children made fun of her and laughed at her, so she longer boils bathing water for them in the morning like she used to, she washes only her clothes.

Since I was just a guest in the house I left few days after the event. She attends event on time now because she doesn’t do as much as she used to for the family, she wakes up in the morning and gets herself ready first before attending to anyone on a day she’s happy and on the bad days she won’t attend to anyone at all, then she says to the kids “when ur father is coming join him”. Even if they were attending same event or going to church she goes on her own and comes back on her own.
One morning my uncle called me in distress saying I don’t understand my wife anymore she does everything half way and leaves it, what is worse is that she no longer gets into my car; it’s been over 6 months since my wife got into my car, please I don’t know what do I never knew it was going to escalate to this point, I’ve begged her on every level but she doesn’t seem to care; she just get dressed daily and head to wherever she’s going , I don’t know how long I can tolerate this ; I don’t appreciate my wife taking public transport; I just wanted to teach her a lesson so she can feel how it is while she made me sit in the car waiting.
As my family please talk to me cause I need answers did I do anything wrong by making her run after the car?
Was I violent toward her?
Why would she change dramatically for something as little as that?
I couldn’t help but be quiet on the other end of the phone cause somehow I can relate to both side of there point, For the wife she felt tending to the family needs is the reason she’s late and for the husband he assumes she’s angry unnecessarily but as much as I thought about it, It is affecting their family. i didn't know what to say so I hanged up, but how do I respond without me being on any of them sides but settle the issues.

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