One moment's lapse in Concentratino...

One moment's lapse in Concentratino... .jpg

Bah... I'm so annoyed at myself. I'm a pretty careful driver... I give lots of space and am never really in a hurry to get anywhere, and so I'm generally happy to let people cut in or do any manner of things... we will get there in the end, and generally within the same time. I prefer to leave earlier.. just so that I never feel like I'm in a rush.

But... I know that if I'm in a foul mood or even just an annoyed mood... I'm not a great driver. And this particular evening... I had already had a pretty crap day. I won't bore you with the details... but it was just frustrating and had me in a pretty ordinary mood... but I did need to take my kid to her dance class...

... and so I dutifully did it... and then waited in the car until it finished. After all, my wife had an entry in her diary which meant that she couldn't pick her up. And then after an hour of sitting around, my wife's car pulled up! ARRRRGH... so, I had pre-prepared dinner and sat around after an immensely frustrating day, and why is she here?!?!?!?

... well, it turns out she just put a calender entry in her diary to remind her to do something. Not because she was working or anything like that. Seriously, that put me in more of a bad mood, as it was freezing and I had many better things to do other than to sit in a cold car for over an hour.

So, after talking to her, I pulled out and drove back home... except I didn't make it. At a slip lane, I stopped behind a SUV and waited. And there was a long clear space... and I stepped on the accelerator... assuming that the car in front was moving. I was wrong... very wrong.

Her car was barely scratched... ours, not looking so good. And COMPLETELY MY FAULT... So, another couple hours in the freezing cold, waiting for the tow truck... my wife picked up my younger child who was in my car.

... at least no one was hurt... it was really quite a slow speed... but it is something that I could do without. Sigh... I'm so annoyed at myself at the moment, just paying attention and not giving in to annoyance and frustration... ARRRRHGHGHGHG!!!! Why was I so stupid???

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KuCoin: I still use this exchange to take part in the Spotlight and Burning Drop launches.
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ByBit: Leverage and spot trading, next Binance?
OkX: Again, another Binance contender?

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