Sweating in the cold


Yesterday was my first of many weekend shifts and it went pretty smoothly. I think I felt the strain a bit more than the other days but it was generally a pleasant experience.

I intended to publish this post yesterday but I had to run to the post office after I got home and the day just got away from me. I was very exhausted after the day's activities and so, I decided to just sleep it off and yes, it was a good sleep.

I woke up a couple of minutes past 6am and it felt like I slept a little bit too much because I've been waking up around 5am since I started this job. In any case, it was nice to get a good long sleep and I intend to maximise my rest period.

The weekend shift proved to be the most stressful of the lot because it was voluntary and throughout the period, I kept thinking about how I could have been in my coy bed, sleeping. Alas, there's still no sleep to earn, so I had to be standing in the freezer.

What I will say is that I am slowly adjusting to the temperature of the freezer. It got to a point yesterday that my body was struggling with the outside temperature.

The weather in the UK is nice this time of the year and coming from where we typically have temperature in the early to mid 20s of arid air, being in 15-19 degrees high humidity is refreshing. However, whenever I get out of the freezer and into the normal temperature of the UK, it feels very hot and dry.

Yesterday, I felt the worst of it because after work, I had to take a 6-minute walk to the bus stop and I was sweating like I was in Kaduna heat. Even now, Nottingham doesn't really feel as cold as it used to feel and this is only after three days freezer time.

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