First day


Today is the first of many days of work and at the time I stared drafting this post, I was on my way to the busstop. It is a 4-minute walk to the stop and then another 30 minute ride to where I work.

Actually, after reaching the stop, there's another 6 minutes walk to the warehouse. It was easy to find and google map made life very easy.

Most people that I tell of the fact that I've started working are surprised that a job materialised so quickly. Alas, my work rate has been high for the past couple of days and my email has been buzzing since.

Overall, I am very pleased with where life has gotten me and despite the challenge that it presents, I intend to continue soldiering through. This time, the challenge in front of me is dealing with a very cold room and after my first day, I think I can handle it.

For what it's worth, this is my first on site job in a very long time and so, I had plenty anxiety the night before. I didn't know what to expect and simply diving into the unknown was a very scary proposal.

At the end of the day, it turned out to be a brutal but rewarding experience that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Not necessarily because it is an amazing job or anything like that but because it represents my first step in a journey to self discovery.

I did a 10-hour shift working in 5 degrees celsius and I felt every single degree. It is the coldest I've ever felt in my life.

It got so cold that when we came out to 18 degrees in Nottingham, I felt hot. The human body is an amazing adaptable machine.

Today is the first day and as @empoderat said, the grind begins here. This is not the end, this is just the beginning.

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