Just 'ANOTHER' Mind-Spill...

Hey, y'all... what the hell's up with you guys, upon this most glorious day in the year of our Lord 2022...?!?!?!?

It is twenty-twenty-two; isn't it? I'm not always certain of the year these days because I'm retired, sit at home a lot and twiddle my thumbs... (Except when I don't)

I've noticed that a lot of people posting on this chain - as well as other blogging sites - mostly write about themselves and their own daily boring existence on the planet; kind of like keeping a diary.

Some of them actually do quite well in the rewards department, but of course they are all part of the same clique with deep pockets who automatically exchange large upvotes to each other... NOT that I'm jealous or complaining - mind you... "to-each-their-own" (Whatever the hell that means)

I guess a lot of us (including me) have a tendency to do and seek the same amongst our Hive friends. Seems a natural and fairly normal mindset, as far as I'm concerned. Cliques, clubs, cabals, gangs, tribes and organizations of every description abound throughout the world and I suspect, always will...

Rarely do I mention it, but I've been a member of various groups throughout my lonnnnngggggggg weird journey through life. Most threw me out of their groups because I was too much of an individualist, or else I quit - for the same reason😏

Take the Illuminati for instance... They had groomed me from before the age of seven then initiated me not long after. It wasn't till the age of 33 that they finally had enough of my independent spirit and kicked me out the door... My ass hurt for days after that expulsion.

Oh-well... Such is life... I just wasn't much into sharing human flesh at their banquets; especially raw and ceremoniously, freshly slaughtered...

Killing people is fine, but eating them...?!?!?!?!?!? That's wrong...


Now that I got the more interesting stuff about my past out of the way, keep reading for the really boring parts. Like about my membership within The Sons of Italy for example... all they ever seemed to do was collect dues and hold a feast of sorts once a year on Columbus Day.

Oh... that reminds me... I was also a member of The Columbia Association. They collected dues too and gave you a membership number. That was all...!!! Maybe if I was deep enough into these fraternal organizations, I might have known of an office address or at least a phone number of a delegate or something...???

Who the 'F' knows...!?!?!?!?

Notice how I used an 'F' instead of writing fuck in the above? That's to appease the few fake purists who might stumble across this post and scorn me. I know that most of you don't give a shit about common vocal expressions like fuck and suck, and cunt or bitch, bastard cock-sucker, etc.

Well... maybe a lot of you don't like the use of 'etc.' at the end of sentences, but HEY... we live in a not-so-perfect world; so, get OVER it... Life will be a lot more pleasant for you, being more open-minded.

Just don't dine upon human flesh. God hates that.

That's all I got for now, my friends... See ya on the re-bound.


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