Are people just stupid, addicted or both?

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A lot of people hate their job. They hate the idea of waking up in the morning and have to drag themselves to a job that doesn't stimulate them in any kind of way, let alone earn the amount of money they want. They hate their boss and his affinity for "periwinkle blue" neckties, they hate their co-workers and they hate that annoying lady from HR that asks stupid questions all the time.

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Now let me ask you this: why don't people who hate their job start learning a new skill they enjoy and eventually, when they get good at it, start making money THAT way, and finally find a way out of that dreaded job?

I'm not saying quit like an idiot, giving your boss the finger and walking out mid shift. That's stupid and unrealistic. It sounds cool though and I would potentially do it if someone was recording me and I could upload it to the Gram.

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I'm saying, start developing a skill that has the potential to earn you some money. Start a side hustle like fixing water heaters, give driving lessons or baking cookies, I don't know.

If you despise your job, why don't you start finding ways of making a drip of alternate income. A drip.

Speaking of money, If you ask anybody who's completed some sort of education (high school, university...) what the best way to build wealth is, you will likely get an answer along the lines of

spend less than you earn and invest in revenue-producing assets.

Simple, right?

Yet, if it's so incredibly simple, why are so many people with decent salaries not doing that?

Instead of saving, they're out there spending money on credit to buy things they don't need to "impress" (notice the quotes) people they don't care about.

After office drinks with the boys from the office? Sure, why not. I don't like them that much, but... everybody's going, plus Punky Pancho's has a happy hour special on Fridays: Buy-one-get-the second-at-half-price nachos!

You know... Punky Pancho's Popocatepetl Temple of nachos with triple bacon, chicken, black beans, triple cheese and guac!

It comes with a blue typhoon kiwi lemonade for only $5.99 extra.

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Let me ask you something else...

If you're overweight or simply out of shape and you KNOW sugar and processed foods are bad for you're health, why are you eating Punky Pancho's Popocatepetl Temple of nachos with blue typhoon kiwi lemonade every Happy hour Friday? and why in hell are you eating so much fast food and Big Gulps instead of cooking your own food? and while we are entering the topic of health, why don't we try to jog and lift some weights a couple of times a week when you know it will make you feel better mentally and feel more confident?

But let me stop judging.

Who doesn't like a super cheesy, super creamy mountain of Punky Pancho's Popocatepetl Temple of nachos once in while, right? As long as it's not EVERY Friday.

It's a good evening with work colleagues and I can light a delicious cigarette on the drive home. 10th one today, but who's counting?

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If you know smoking makes your breath stink, your teeth yellow and your lungs black and could eventually KILL you from emphysema or lung cancer, why don't you kick that habit to the curb? It'll save you're ass and also save you a ton of money.

So, why?

Speaking of habits...

Waking up with a hangover is a bitch!

Take it from me, I've done it plenty of times after happy hour at Punky Pancho's

I've spent way more than I should have and stayed up way later than I should have, not to mention driving home with what my drunk ass calls a "light buzz".

But the question is... why?

why, why, why Mister Anderson (That's a reference to The Matrix by the way) Do you go drinking the way you do? Why do you spend the money you were saving to go out with those useless friends of yours to drink WAY more alcohol than you should? only to waste the entirety of the next day in bed like you've got some victorian era disease?

And finally, if you KNOW that building up your Hive Power will give earn you MORE Hive Power and will eventually make you life-changing money, why don't you stack as much as you possibly can? Whatever that amount is?

I mean, life is hard, but it's WAY harder if you're stupid.

Anyway, before you grill me, I know everybody's situation is different.

Regardless of what your situation is, I'm sure there is at lest some aspect of your life you could improve if you only took the time to look at yourself in the mirror and ask.... why?

Also, this rant is more for me than it is for you.

That's all for now folks.

I've got a feeling the comments section is going to be interesting.

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