Random Spiel, Extroverted Activities as the Default Image of Living in the Moment

Maybe there's something wrong with how I understood living in the moment but the mainstream idea I see is getting your fun activities spent with a group. My own conspiracy with these ads is that trying to get introverts have a sense of missing out in the moment because they aren't doing the normal activities of what seems to be deemed as fun.

What I just want to be cozy under the rain sipping good coffee while reading a good book? what my idea of fun is just being engrossed with my leisure hobbies in a small workshop undisturbed by prying eyes? I get more fun out of these solitary activities than I would usually get with good company and it's not that I don't appreciate the good company, it's more like there's more mileage out of what I could accomplish alone in the solitary moment.

So whenever I go on meeting strangers and catching up with friends, there's this generic question framed differently but same theme of what do I do for fun? and what if the real answer is counter productive to the conversation so the safe response is a mix of solitary and small group activities with significant others.

I'm an introvert and that's probably the most flawed part about me being human as I tend to miss out on activities that give me a little bit more out of life had I just engaged with more people. It's not that I have a dislike for people, it's more like getting used to solitude and finding alternatives to indulge myself in what life has to offer with little dependence on other people's presence.

It's probably how I can sometimes be dense at social cues of be nonchalant about almost anything that concerns other people. Extroverts are better at adapting to people's good sides while introverts have to learn this skill at a slower pace. Even mainstream media has more heroes portrayed as characters that can readily express themselves in the crowd and if the protagonist is someone who is an introvert, they have to get some quirky side or hidden loveable traits to get accepted.

What if they're just an introverted protagonist who is capable of socially adapting to situations while still opt to just march to their own beat. I think this is why it's hard to write introverted characters who can have fun on their own adventures because stories that are mainstream good tend to require the company of side characters an audience can relate to even if the soloist is already competent to complete their own heroes journey. I probably rambled some points there but whatever.

When the lockdowns happened, I learned that not much has changed with the quality of interactions I get and I could argue there's been some quality improvement now that I have to deal with less shit from people on a daily basis. But the same thing can't be said for extroverted friends that have some mental issues due to the lockdowns for being unable to socialize physically.

Complaints like not being able to travel, drinking out with friends, or stuck in a room doing nothing but surf the internet, and only getting out to work if the job is essential were their themes. Shit I wish my lifestyle had more freedom to do what I want in my own time and confined space than going out and interact with people on a daily basis.

Imagine being stuck at home with the powers of the internet to learn something new or indulge in your curiosities, order materials online for your crafts, and getting no distractions from people at work because you've done your quota quickly for the day, that's paradise. Notice how these activities had no mention of being with people around?

Again, it's not that there is a specific dislike or aversion to people, it's more like having a preference to spend more time with one's own company or if with others involved, being with others than matter more than one's solitude.

I still think one of the greatest forms of expression for appreciation as an introvert is showing up to someone else's call for company because introverts would find all the reasons to avoid someone they don't want to be with if possible. Extroverts can do this too except they're not mentally taxed as much compared to introverts being trapped in the same space because solitude is better than keeping company with introverts don't like.

So when I think about how one can fully live in the moment, why is it the image of people having fun in the company of other people the default idea instead of just selling the idea that even alone can can be merry.

Thank you for your time.

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