UNLOCK Your CHARISMA - The 2 Keys to Being Likeable and Funny in Conversation!

Being more charismatic isn't as complicated as some people make it out to be. The good news is that you already have charisma inside of you! If you want to make better impressions on people and take your social interactions to the next level, you just need to UNLEASH it!

So, how do you let your natural charisma shine?

To be more charming, charismatic and funny, you don't need to learn anything new. Instead, improving your social skills is about unlearning the things that lower your charisma. And one of the most ugly character traits can have is neediness.

Here's what undermines so many people's charm and charisma:

Someone might make a joke and their immediate reaction is to look around the room to see if people are laughing at it. Or sometimes if a specific person (like a crush) is laughing. Their entire reason for making the joke is to look for external validation!

People intuitively pick up on this, and it's a huge turnoff.

The other problem is this:

Have you ever thought of something that you found incredibly funny, and then proceeded to... stay silent? That was me for most of my life, and as a result, I had virtually no charisma. I was always the shy, introverted kid because I thought I needed to say the perfect things or people would not approve of me.

So, the first key to being more charismatic is this:

In any social interaction, you want to take the attitude of being there for self amusement. In other words, instead of trying to impress other people, you're there to have a good time yourself! This one shift has been my single biggest leap in terms of social skills and GREATLY improved my charisma!

This is what self enjoyment comes down to:

People sometimes ask me why I laugh at my own jokes, and my answer is simple. It's because the SOLE REASON I made the joke in the first place is because I thought it was hilarious! If other people find it funny as well, that's a bonus!

It might sound stupid, but it increased my charisma at least tenfold!

Here's what I can tell you about charisma and humor:

You start with something that you find genuinely funny. You say that joke or tell that story with a smile & energy. Tell it like it's the funniest thing in the world, and most of the time other people will laugh and find it hilarious!

Even when the joke itself is terrible! (example in the video)

So self enjoyment is the first key to unlocking your charisma. For the second way that you can train your social skills, you're going to have to watch the entire video. :)

Hope this helps you with your social skills! :)

If so, leave a quick "Like" on this video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already!

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