levelling up during and after the ‘rona for the remote worker

. .. because everyone is a remote worker now it seems, that took some adjusting for many and made zoom a household name overnight, not the best choice but hey, you always need someone spearheading the push into something new.

I’m guessing we are about to see a brand new world of high speed connections, underground new end-to-end encryption systems and just a general upgrade of all the global interconnects. Whoever the winners will be in that game will have the keys to a global audience.

Kinda spawned the blog post I pushed this morning about ‘blockchain’ tech — people won’t care for the logo or the name, they just want it to work, they won’t join a platform for a community, they will bring their community group to the best technology. Not the other way around.

I truly believe that one area that you can invest in today as a remote worker is consulting for connectivity redundancy — just think of all the ‘in location’ physical jobs that people have to go and do, travel for, that they can now do with a HD video link and remote learning, opening up screens and terminals for people to follow along with. There is a bunch, for all ages.

If there is one massive glaring gap it’s been both with healthcare and the food industries, mainly supply chains when you rely on fewer locations and sources and even then dealing with massive spikes that only a pandemic can bring — add greed to that mix and you have a problem that doesn’t hit right away.

I truly see startups evolving massively in these areas, I’m guessing that new health and food startups will be rapidly trying to remote tool up globally and will need additional helpers to mobilise and get the word out.

Standard to the door monthly subscription services are going to rapidly evolve, from the pub in a box to emergency ratios for the home remote worker, you know behind the scenes these are getting looked at — just too much money to leave on the table there.

Also see ‘audience’ to change rapidly as well. I think we will see have hiring for those with existing build ‘communities’ (aka e-sports) but I think we are going to see new hybrid groups of people stepping forward that have a bunch of skills that are perfect for remote working — all those front of house people are going to have to evolve to be remote too.

If anything, what the pandemic ‘stay at home’ did more than all these potential changes was to really put a spotlight on technology. I believe the bbc put out a post asking what would have pandemic preparation and information spreading been like if this had happened in 2005 instead of today, we would all be trying to use GPRS and a 2” screen, aka bullshit!

Even thou globally there is a push for end-to-end encryption to be banned or removed from major systems I don’t know how we can have a digital world where everyone is online and not have some kind of level of encryption element attached to it — the world just turns into a massive ddos attack surface with the average user clicking on whatever to get online.

I’d expect us to see a push for connectivity and security to become a human right of a connected human, as much as govs might not want to have active and informed citizens getting on with life and building out a ‘self aware’ life from the data that they can cross reference and parse I do believe that a human that is not educated in some way is a danger to the digital person next to them, it’s in everyones interest to educate and inform.

For people who have not had to deal with mental health issues yet I’m sure that being isolated has potentially exposed a bunch of deep rooted issues that you might need to address — with an always on demand, virtual video chat room that’s going to eventually open up remote meditation, social events and general remote working interaction on a level that we might not have seen before.

Finally, I truly believe that we are all gonna be investors in infrastructure, it’s obvious personally to me that the money that SHOULD be there for things often is not and it’s down to us to mobilise, band together, build out backhauls, micro grids and invest in the technology we use. ..

.. . the companies with the best sustainability report, the best ethics, the ones able to quickly spin up resources and services are going to have instant user bases over night, efficiency will have a much higher value to the remote worker who relies on things being beneficial to their lives.

It’s not the year you expected but it’s gonna be a hell of year if you are able to re-invent yourself, leave all your frustration behind and head off in a different direction.

I see opportunity.

__humble x

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