My Entry for Weekly Battle Challenge- Speed Matters a Lot...

Hello all Monsters lovers,

This is my entry for Share your Battle Weekly Challenge hosted by @splinterlands. Here is the link to post

This Week Sharing a Battle with my Earth Team against the Water Team.

Battle Details

Rule Set - Ferocity
Here the screen shot of the cards lineup.
Here is the link to battle.

My strategy -

Ferocity means avoid the Taunt ability monster. It was 50 mana battle so I can use the high mana cards also. I love to use the high speed card which are very useful as they finish the opponent card even before the they attacked. Decided to use the JAVELIN THROWER & MITICA HEADHUNTER which are good combination of speed at attack. As usual the FLESH GOLEM is the first choice as Tank and WOOD NYMPH as Tank Healer.

Lets watch the battle round by round...

The opponent used the Water team which is good with Magic attack and the opponent also used the 4 no of magic attack monster. The first monster used he Sea Monster which is slow card with good melee attack. The ROS at level two gives the +1 speed to friendly monster.

At the start of round one JAVELIN THROWER & MITICA HEADHUNTER shown their sill and took the lift of opponent's Sea Monster. But unfortunately I also lost my FLESH GOLEM (the opponents combined 15 magic attack was too huge and the FLESH GOLEM was not able to take it).

At the beginning of the round two the opponent's NERISSA TRIDAWN taken the lead (with 7 health and 4 magic attack) but not able to hold the position against the heavy attack and high speed attack of JAVELIN THROWER & MITICA HEADHUNTER. The heavy magic attack by the opponent also took the life of OAKEN BEHEMOTH also.

At the end of round three the opponent was left with two cards and .
In the previous round SAND WORM took down the MITICA HEADHUNTER. The combined attack of JAVELIN THROWER and KRON THE UNDYING took the life of opponent's SAND WORM.

In the next round my DJINN OSHANNUS was standing in opponents team with 11 heath. DJINN OSHANNUS was try hard to survive but my team finish him in two rounds.

I am a member of Team Possible Power Guild. To join the discord group click on link
You will find really nice people and informative too.

Thanks for stopping by my Post.

Don't forget to follow and upvote.

If you new and want to try the game here is my affiliation link
You can joint the official discord group also (please find the link at the end of the post).

Thanks to @minimining for delegated cards.



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