Day 1 of the Debmar Atlantic 2024 job done.

Well, I am exhausted.

It went about as well as I thought it would.

A container office not connected to power.
Staff access cards having issues and not being able to get them on to site.
Work starting and having to deal with the usual noise and discomfort.
Oh, and needing to walk 2km from my car to my container... about another 1km between the ship and the container.

Once you are on the ship it is constant up and down stairs and back and forth on the decks.

This was an 12 hour shift. Starting at 7am, ending at 7pm. Of course that means being on the road from 6:10am onwards and getting home nearly 8pm... Yeah...

And then they lecture you about a work/life balance! Hahaha!

Over yonder is the stressful rust bucket... there is a lot of work to be done.

This shot is from the other side of the train... the obstacle that adds most of the 2km to my walk...

Seriously, you need to walk AROUND this train... they are not tall, but we are not allowed to go over them...

Look! Down there is my car... the white one...

I am relieved to be at home. Tomorrow is another 12 hour shift. We are servicing Air Handling Units. We have just started but I have confidence in my team!

Thank you for reading!


Hive South Africa

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