2024 Work begins! Day one is complete!

Hello there! Zak here from a sunny Cape Town, South Africa.

So the 8th of January has finished and has been survived. This was the first day back at work after the holiday season.

The holidays were actually packed with events and happenings and it is difficult to say whether or not I actually did much resting in this time.

I thought about this and the fact that it was already over and I can see why so many people have these deep regrets about the holidays. Did I do enough? And if I did a lot, did I rest enough? Did I get to do enough things that make me happy? Did I get to do things with my family that made me happy?

It is very easy to fall into the TRAP of feeling as though you had lost. There will always be some sort of criteria that you did not meet, some sort of thing that you did not do.

Instead, I look back and what I DID do. What experiences did I have? And thinking of it this way, there were many experiences that I must say that I enjoyed and I am happy to have lived with.

But what about work?

Well, as much as we love work, we love our off times too right? Well. The first work day of the week is done. That put's me one more day closer to the weekend! Yeah!

It also puts me one more day closer to the NEXT holiday!

It was really not that bad. I started off my year by getting to grips with some of my Health and Safety admin work.

I did some inspections on a First Aid Box.
I did some inspections on tools and ladders.
I did some training with newish staff about inductions and policy training.
I wrote a part of a new Toolbox Talk training I need to do with all staff.
I informed my boss about the expiring medical certificates in the company and which people need to go for medical exams.

I also did a Safety Permit for work being conducted on one of our sites tomorrow.

All in all, I had a busy day that kept me busy. Tomorrow I will do much of the same!

With this all in mind, I feel that it was a positive day 1 and though nothing amazing happened, nothing bad happened either!

That is very good!

It makes it easier for me knowing that I just have to continue on the course that I am on that will lead me to the destinations and goals that I have set up for myself in the long run.

Sometimes you just have to focus on the breathing part of the day. Take one step forward and then the other. Same as with the regret that some people have after the holidays is done - you may need to change your viewpoint and attitude if this is the case!

Instead of looking behind you and regretting the things that did not happen, take a deep breath of fresh air. If you have ever held your breath for a long time then you would know how sweet it can taste to just breathe some cool and fresh air! Savour it and now move on to the next task.

This is living. This is working. It's going to be alright!

Have a great year everyone!


Hive South Africa

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