Embarking on the Journey: Our First Job

Hey there, my awesome hive fam! It's Sheree here! OMG, it's been a while since I last created content. I've been quite busy lately because, you know, I have a job now! Yep, you read that right, hahaha!

Here's a picture of High Street on our way to the target company where we applied for a job.

The last time I posted here, we were just job hunting around BGC. I'll share with you our journey during that time. It's tough looking for IT jobs, especially during the pandemic. Being stuck with online classes wasn't enough to excel in my course since hands-on experience is crucial in our field. ๐Ÿ˜…

As I waited for my friends. That's when I saw this chonky cat, and my goodness, it was so cute! It appeared that someone was simply sitting there.

Before we started applying and looking for companies, we grabbed a bite at the food court of Market Market, and guess where? Paotsin! This has always been our all-time favorite because it's so budget-friendly and the taste is just amazing. You guys should definitely give this a try! worth the try!

A picture of Market! Market's Foodcourt

Eventually, we found a company located in the same building as Google. But, I was a bit hesitant to apply because I was afraid of rejection or that they might require experience, which I didn't have much of as a graduating student, except for my OJT. I still lack confidence in my current skills.

Slightly Silhouette shot by Ange haha

View near the company

When we got there, they gave us our applicant id together with the forms to proceed for the assessment. To be honest, I'm a bit nervous that time hahaha but I have to do this. It's just like stepping out of my comfort zone.

A picture of their lobby area, then, they provided blue lemonade for all the applicants. It was really cold, and they even offered us chilled drinks cutiee๐Ÿ˜†.

We applied to one company, but unfortunately, I didn't pass their assessment, haha. Imagine, the passing score was 70, and I got 68. It's quite sad, but while waiting for my friends who were being interviewed, I received a call from a company where I did my OJT.

They were asking if I'm willing to apply to work there or continue my stay, but this time as a regular employee. Even though the offer wasn't all that great, I was on edge since I thought there might be some reason why they kept calling. They kept approaching me, but I kept saying firmly, that I needed to think about it.

I finally decided to accept the offer, hehe. I even invited some of my friends to join the company. We've been here for two weeks now, but since we still want to explore other opportunities, they offered us project-based positions. It's not bad since we're looking for more experience, but they also gave us the option to become regular employees. We're still contemplating if we'll stay or find jobs more aligned with our field.

Mirror selfie at BGC High Street CR

Because we were hungry at that time, hahaha, we went to one of our favorite go-to places. Of course, our bonding involves having coffee and eating while having a good chat, hahaha. Next time, I'll share with you the coffee shop and the reason why we keep going back to it.

Our first payday wasn't that big since we joined the company just a few days before it. But thank God for giving us this opportunity to work, especially now that finding a job in our field is quite challenging. We're just waiting for the next paycheck right now, hehe! Even as a graduating student, there's a lot of bills to pay, ikyk. God bless all the graduating students out there, and congratulations!
So, until next time, guys! For now, this is where I'll end my story about our work life. ๐Ÿ˜‰

All images are mine unless stated otherwise.

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