Working Holiday Writeup- Community Event No.003: : If I win the lottery I would stay at my job.

Effort and intelligence are the two main tools I would use in the case of winning the lottery. Fortuitous money should not be spent on extravagant things and also be very careful in managing the winnings.


I would not quit my job nor would I expose myself or flaunt the fact that I won a good prize in the lottery. I would sit down with my wife to plan what is best for us as a family, and of course, in parallel to our jobs, we would think about a business venture that would allow us to obtain additional benefits and also maintain this fortuitous gain.

Apart from this I must say that I like my job and I would talk to my boss to invest part of my earnings in the company, I would not change my way of being with my coworkers, being my main idea that, with my ideas and the injection of resources, the company can maximize benefits and as a result all of us who work in it would be benefited.

It is clear that within the company I should make very clear what my expectations are with respect to the investment I will make, I would ask for an opinion and I would ask to make some changes in certain procedures that I think are not very useful to the company according to its mission and vision.

With these actions I think that I would diversify my income, and I am also helping other families to obtain a necessary sustenance to live, and I would also add something more value to my effort to develop myself personally and professionally.

I knew a person who won a big prize in the lottery here in my country Venezuela, he retired from his job and literally squandered the money on luxuries, buying vehicles, his ego got too high and from being a simple person he became a complicated and difficult person. His acquaintances and friends abandoned him after they found out about the loss of almost all his money. He barely managed to get a new job, but doing a job he did not like. This was not a bad move of fate as he says, but a misuse of resources on his part and a bad decision to retire from his job.

This is my entry for the Working Holiday Writeup (wWw) - Community Event No.003 Link Here in the WorkLife community.

If you won the Lottery Would you still would?

A big hello to all of you, hoping you have a happy holiday season. I hope the content has been to everyone's liking!

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