Leadership and Team building Activities at the Farm

Good day beautiful people, beautiful souls!

It’s been almost a month that I was not able to share what’s happening with me, yet, I still try to read other posts which actually had given me an inspiration again to write just for the pleasure of it. Their beautiful descriptions of places they visit, things they loved doing and even shared some personal experiences, all these somehow touch my heart, seeing the genuine humanity in action, the passion of connecting with strangers making them friends and part of a community in the process, thus, here am I again my dear Hivers, after a long drought of trying to write something, which had been delayed a long time. So I hope, that I can still make up and also share something I’ve done which you might like to read about.



The place where I chose to do the Leadership and Team Building activities for our organization,the Rescue Recon 1 Philippines - Bacolod was a farm, which is very conducive for a large group to do some activities without disturbing the people in the surrounding area. My desire was for our organization personnel to develop camaraderie and team work which are essential values needed in our line of work, emergency rescue either trauma or medical. As such I develop a kind of training which definitely address the need of our organization. It was one learning experienced that the personnel appreciated and talked about even right after our LEAD training.





So allow me, to described our journey and activities in the farm. From the heart of the city it takes us a 45 minutes drive to the drop off point. Then we have to hike for two kilometers to reach our destination. The area where we convene together was part of the 15 hectares farm stead, which encompasses a large tract of farmlands and forested area.


The water source was overflowing with crystal clear and drinkable water which flowed freely across the farm. There’s a simple social hall where we have our lectures and demonstrations. A spacious kitchen to cook, complete with cooking utensils and a none stop water system. The dormitory alone can accommodate 30 persons and the social hall can also accommodate 150 campers with an elbow room. The area was surrounded with mahogany trees spreading its canopy to give shed from the heat of the sun. The sky was so clear in the morning of our arrival at the farm. The farm had a swimming pool where you can take a dip after a hectic schedule of the day.



On the other part of the farm was the rice paddies being readied for planting, the water coming from the spring waters the whole area, which is a blessing to the farmers, being freed from the clutches of devastating drought which infested other farming areas not reached by the flowing water from the bubbling spring.





A prolific growth of flowering vines entangled the trunks of the trees which added an exotic beauty to the spartan place. But what catches my eyes are the blossoming wild lotus flowers in the small pond, it brought back a beautiful remembrance of my stay at the southern province of Thailand. Lotus blooms everywhere, with leaves spanning like big basin and could hold even a small child. The farm was spacious and the forested area is a great place to take a hike and discover some hidden places, where small creatures might lurks in its nooks and crannies.




The L.E.A.D participants had actually enjoyed the varied team building activities that I prepared for them. Every activities was a fun-filled learning experiences for them. Technical subjects were also taught to them like Ropemanship, where they learn to tie various knots and learn how to rig a rope for High Angle Rescue. Signal and Radio Communications, How to become an effective Leader and Synergy midst Diversity are part of the workshop and discussions. To sum it up, the Leadership Enhancement And Attitude Development (L.E.A.D) Camp and Team building activities are a worthwhile endeavour, I got no regret, spearheading such activities.






The last day brought us all to the Lopez Jaena -San Miguel Bridge, where the practical of High Angle Rescue was put to practice. An exhilarating and nerve wracking activity for the neophytes, as they said, “not for the fainthearted.” But then the participants conquered their fear of heights and finished the activity with pride and boasting rights that they too, have jumped off the bridge, following the long lines of rescuers who had hurdled such challenges before they become a qualified Emergency Rescue Technician.





Anyways, thank you dear friends and Hivers, for taking time to read my not so fantastic adventures, which I just call, “ a day in one’s life.” hoping it gives you a peek on what kind of personality I got and if we shared the same passion, may I ask therefore, if you might be my friend, that I might learn from you as well. As you can see, I’m still groping around here, although my incubation period was already past its prime, ahahaha! And yet, here am I, kinda newbie in some aspects.

Do bear with me dear ones, I will learn even if it takes time, and hoping against hope that I will continually be inspired by all your write ups too, to keep on writing and sharing what makes the world a great place to live! What I have in minds are those awesome stories of travels, sightseeing, hikes in the woods, those stunning views of nature, the mountains, rivers, flowers, exotic faunas and floras, even the city walks, the architectures, the culture, on friendships, money and business, entertainments, of coffee beans and beers, name it and you got it here.

I consider this community as a kind of haven, a place of refuge, where I find solace in reading about your write ups, the experiences you’ve share and those nuggets of wisdom I find here and there. All the world were made alive here, and I can say, I am bless to had been given the opportunity to be part of such a noble company. Till then, Ciao!

Live life to the fullest! Carpe Diem!

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