Floating ideas


One can resist the invasion of an army but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas.

- Victor Hugo -

I've had an interesting couple of days, unexpected to some degree but also not altogether unanticipated or unwelcome. I use the word interesting broadly as there's other adjectives to describe the happenings - no matter which though it's been a good couple of days for me, a man who is always open to new ideas.

Being comfortable and seeking change has opened pathways to explore in life, brought me to amazing places physically, great success and monumental failures...which I've learned from and subsequently turned into triumphs...or more failures that brought success at best and wisdom at the very least. The journey, those paths, are what I call my life, the ultimate journey.

I've been directly approached three times in the last two days in respect of new professional pathways, new ideas, and it's brought the opportunity for a change in direction, growth, development, challenge and the opportunity to apply my skills in new ways.

What I've found most interesting is the way in which those who have approached me have floated those new ideas, how they have pitched themselves with the idea of swaying me their way.

If I had the choice I'd choose not to work, it doesn't fulfill me, bring me relevance or define who I am in any way.

There's so many things I'd rather be doing than work, a infinite number of things really, but I have to work. What I don't have to do is work at something I don't like, and so I'm selective about who gets my time from a professional perspective. Essentially, this means I simply won't accept or stay at a role simply because the money is good - I need money, but a fulfilled and enjoyable life is more important than it and more and more money doesn't always provide that life.

With this in mind, I was interested to see how two of the three of those that approached me focused primarily on remuneration when floating their ideas to me. The third, to their great credit, asked me what was important, took the time to learn my motivators, what I needed from an employer and job role perspective then spread their pitch over multiple elements that addressed those things. They did what I would have done, a needs analysis, which gave them a better idea on how to pitch to me; smart. Well done them!

They covered many things based on what I told them like the management style I prefer to deliver and that which I respond to, my desired level of autonomy (which is high), support structure, reporting, KPI's, CRM, progression and other things specific to the role which I'd not like to disclose here...then we talked about the remuneration. Of course, I'd negotiate that last as accepting what they in initially offer isn't a good demonstration of who I am as a professional and I told them so which they responded well to; it let them know they're dealing with a professional operator, not some bumpkin. It was a nice process, certainly better than the other two.

One of the things I've done well in my professional life is ask questions and listen.

I've never been the leader to dictate to the team; sure, there's been times when directives have been delivered with the expectation of them being carried out to the letter and without question, but the ability to do so has come from groundwork laid ahead of time, empowering the team, making them feel valid and valuable to the unit and that their opinions and ideas are welcomed. It makes sense that I respond to the same, the needs analysis for example, rather than being pitched to by people who don't know what I may or may not respond to with their biggest pitch being, we'll pay you a fuckload of money.

Remuneration is important in my professional life, I don't come for free, but it's not the highest point on my list of motivators; top three I'd say.

I wonder what motivates you from a professional perspective. Is it money, work-life balance, power, prestige, accolades or awards, support, job-security or satisfaction, perks and add-ons, autonomy, progression...if someone was floating the idea of you working for them what would you respond favourably to and why? Feel free to let me know in the comments below or comment on any thoughts this post may bring you, I always respond.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
The image is my own - Venice, Italy

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