Gospel or Secular Music:- Afri-InLeo Initiative 15

Music is spiritual because it provides a connection between the body and soul. Since the early days we've come to enjoy music and all the benefits attached to it regardless of what genre it might be because it is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.


Music has helped massively in securing a lot of connections worldwide, be it gospel or secular. People enjoy and dance to songs they have no idea what is being said in it. I feel there will be difficulties in choosing which is better since they both serve almost the same purposes depending on who is listening and where it's been played.

Particularly for the type of person I have come to be in the aspect of music sometimes listening to secular music sounds gospel to me even though in most cases it depends on the lyrics of the song, the message the song passes or probably the pattern of sound.
Coming to understand that makes me flow with any type of song be it not the language I understand if I can relate to the sound.

GOSPEL OR SECULAR MUSIC: in a situation where I have to indicate the most better one among the two I will prefer secular music due to some few reasons which are.
ā€¢ Secular music has a form of relating to any kind of sound whether gospel or worldly as we have seen in most cases where secular music is vibed in churches and different religious places due to probably the substance in the song.
Secular music serves different purposes compared to gospel because I believe the gospel is more focused on the religious aspect.

In my point of view "I see no boundaries when it comes to music because I listen to based on the quality and also to serve as a means of composure because of that I listen to whatever type of music that sounds good to and choosing one to be much better is a no case for me as I enjoy all types of songs.

Let's appreciate the existence of music and do away with any form of criticisms of which one should be regarded better among them. I just believe music is universal and looking deep into it you find out music remains music and it's constant with no thoughts of change even in the next generation. All we can do is make sure to collect good ideas and make more good sounds for the consumption of our minds and all other things attached.

Thank you to @afri-tunes for this great opportunity. I pray you all stay blessed. Bye šŸ«‚

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