How Music Enriched My Life||-->A Story of Growth And Self Discovery°°°Afri-InLeo Initiative 18

How Music Enriched My Life||-->A Story of Growth And Self Discovery°°°Afri-InLeo Initiative 18

I remember how I started music back in secondary school, I was so intentional about my learning of music as if someone whispered to me some great and mighty benefits that awaits me if I learn or venture into music. The passion and zeal came so strong that I couldn't resist it.

Now I'm wishing I started music from kindergarten, maybe I would've mastered my instrument and become a pro at it but regardless, I am proud of myself for the great achievement thus far in music, I know I've come along way in the field already and by the grace of God I will make it to the top.

I don't know exactly what pushed me to start music because it was like more than just a passion for me, all I can remember was that I wanted to stay away from anything that will bring negativity to my life. I was walking towards the path of destruction back then but God helped me so I retraced my steps. I saw myself making decisions to run away from bad energy to where it's safer for the man of my youth. Some of the nasty behaviors I was practicing then in the boarding house took hold of some of my class mates because we were collectively practicing those things together. One day I just decided that I'm not doing it again anymore, I just decided I don't want to grow up a bully, I don't want to grow up a thief or a cultist.

The best thing that happened to me was replacing music with my bad character. I wanted something in exchange for the bad character I was learning in school, I told myself I would want to get addicted to something that will keep me focused on the right things of life then behold, I decided I want to learn the trumpet since playing the trumpet will not make me a bad person. I told myself I will love to see me playing the trumpet alongside other trumpeters.

That was how it started and today I'm here. Today I am here playing music in exchange for the bad boy I almost became. This is the more reason I take music so personal because it brought me closer to God and changed my life to a better one, now I'm proud of the man I'm growing into.

It was like a game, from playing the trumpet for parades and military events I wanted more. I joined the church choir and was playing there until I wanted more again, I picked interest on the drums then gradually the piano and other musical instruments. I am now a passionate lover of the bass guitar.

I love music because it pushes me towards achieving my goals and purpose in life. I'm proud of myself today all because music showed me the way. I will forever be grateful to God who deemed it fit to create music for people like me..


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This is my participation for AFRI-INLEO Week 19.

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