AFRITUNES #95 || AIR I BREATHE (cover) by @jessicaossom

Greetings to everyone in the Afritunes community.

I hope this post finds you all well. For my entry this week, I decided to sing "Air I Breathe" by Jerry K. The first time I listened to this song was around June 2018 when I had my son. Along with that song, I also heard "Excess Love" by Mercy Chinwo and "Lord You Are the Most High" by Flavour for the first time during that period.

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That was a meaningful time for me musically as I connected deeply with those gospel songs while going through the life-changing experience of becoming a mother. The songs brought me comfort and perspective. "Air I Breathe" especially resonated, as it speaks to relying on God's presence and grace to get through difficult times.

Singing that song today, I'm reminded of the love I felt back then along with the challenges. And I'm grateful for the gift of music that uplifts and inspires. I imagine many in this community have had similar moments where songs took on special meaning.

Beyond my personal story, I believe music has immense power to touch our lives. The right songs with the right messages, like these gospel tunes, can lift us up, give us strength, help work through grief, and fill us with grace and hope.

So in conclusion, I want to encourage the Afritunes community to keep spreading this musical light. Recommend songs that enlighten and heal. Share positive artists who inspire. Because music is so much more than entertainment – it's a friend walking beside us through every season under heaven. The right melody can get us through the darkest night. What songs or artists are brightening your world lately? Please continue shining that musical love on one another.

I hope you enjoy listening to my cover. Also, sorry about the background noise. We have a full house and I couldn't get them all to stay quiet hehe.

Lyrics Of Air I breathe**

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