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Musical lyrics can appeal to humanity by the words they tell, they can elevate emotion and be a cause of inspiration to people. Genuine and talented Musicians over the years have used their music to tell stories that serves as precaution or a means to enlighten people on their lives and times as humans. Musical lyrics can range from different characteristics not all musics can appeal to emotions or inspire and individual, these days most artist just enters the musical studio to sing whatever nonsense that comes out from their mouth.

Take for example, some Nigerian artist in our contemporary world are no longer concerned with making music that would appeal to the conscience of the human being as their ancestors or predecessors have done but rather all they are after is achieve fame and to make more money on social media platforms and streaming sites. The other day, I was listening to a particular music that came up online and all that was embedded in this musician's lyrics were words used to demoralized women and there existence, he employed the use of Vulgar statements that is not encouraging for children below a certain age to listen to. The music was so bad that no meaningful word was said throughout the entire 4 minutes play, rather it kept talking about boobs, bum bum, money, enjoyment, flexing and so on.

Going back to the Days of our predecessors in the music industry people like fela anikulapo kuti, a versatile and brilliant musician who used his music to tell the truth about the happenings in the country Nigeria. It was because he always told the truth using his musical lyrics that was why he experienced the fatal accident that happened where some miscreants who were angry at his blunt musical lyrics decided to burn down his house to ashes. Fela used his music to pass strong and powerful messages about attrocities that were rampant as a that time in the government and society of our beloved country Nigeria and these included the likes of social justice, political activism, and Pan-Africanism.

There was also a song by a Nigerian music called Jodie where she eulogized her baby using melodious tunes that lingered in my memory for quite a while. In the song baby, she describe the features of a new born baby with supernatural and natural feelings. For instance,

When I wake up, wake up in the morning
I see your lovely face
Your checks like butter honey from a tea cup
You take my breath away
Your pretty little fingers so tender like petals from the morning gloom
Your laughter, a joy to remember, heaven has blessed me with you
The very day you came to me, my whole life became brand new.

Reminiscing the song again goes to show that I know the lyrics word for word and they capture my heart. We see how the artist makes her listeners fall in love with babies and their tender bodies and nature without even realizing it. The lyrics is laced with words that are not vulgar and easily comprehensible to the common man.

To me, I believe a musical lyrics should pass a message across to the audience as this would bring about its genuinty and make it linger on for a long period of time.

This is a part of my entry for the #juneinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit.

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