
Hello, AfriTunes. It’s week 76 and another day of being Alive. For this week, I will be presenting the cover of the song Osuba by CHIDINMA. Forgive my apparel, I’m a bit under the weather.

This song, I knew when I was going to present it that I wouldn’t change a thing. I have heard some of her songs and heard many people talk about her Gospel hits but this song, it’s everything and more.

I wrote the lyrics in English for my audience who don’t understand Yoruba so you can all flow along with me. I will say this. Anyone who knows (really knows) God, knows that He is as fearful as He is loving and kind.

There is this power that comes with knowing who you really belong to and how safe you are from the plagues of this world. One thing I have come to understand is God is dedicated to those who are dedicated to him and he loves like no other.

While I was singing this song (P.S I forgot the lyrics at some point but too tired to record another), I felt goosebumps and not from the cold. Do you know what it means to have someone you can always run to?

When you’re tired, when the world seems too much, when you can’t go on, when you wake up… I don’t know for others but that communication between God and I is something that’ll never go away.

You may be wondering (to some of my audience) why I used a Lion for the thumbnail. See, we all know that He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. I haven’t fully grasped the revelation of that yet but hope to soon. Meanwhile, you can share in the comments your knowledge on who he is to you based on that identity.

I know that we are able to pick ourselves up. We are able to get tough but there are days that despite having a friend or a lover or your parents, you just want to get lost in space. And God is my space. I can get lost and come back stronger. Always stronger.

Someone once found out how awful my life could be and asked me with an incredulous look on her face, “how are you always so chirpy and bright when you have all these problems?” I just laughed because then I didn’t know the answer.

But when I recalled how many times I have broken down and called on His mercy (that is my name) and how times out of number He has shown up for me without fail (it is no coincidence) I knew. I can get low, yes, but in the midst of all the darkness, He is always there and no matter how I try to run, I feel Him.

There is a joy that comes with knowing. When you know that you’re not going under despite the waves because Someone bigger and greater has you in the palm of His hand. This is why I have never lost the hope that I can be someone. Because my hope is firm in Him.

Instrumental extracted using Moises. Thumbnail Image designed on Canva Pro

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